seconds inbetween

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Athena ran her hands down the light blue walls dimly lit by the few escaped rays of sunlight coming from the high set window far up the other side of the wall. It was cold and smooth. It relaxed her. Light shined through her fingers. She grabbed a lock of her hair and brought it to the light. Red shimmered from every strand,copper and warm. She liked it. Red was her favourite colour. The room was empty except a few toys and books in the corner. Her bed was a pile of blankets and pillows but the floor was still cool beneth. In the sun light she could see little flackes of dust descending downwards. She opened her mouth to sing but decided against it. She hummed her little song quietly while she dragged her hand around the walls. This was the only song she knew. It was the song he sang to her when he came. She didn't see the man often. Only glimpses and shadows here and there. And even when he came he didn't stay long. Only at night when he thought she was asleep the man would sing. The same song over and over like a messige. Like a promise.
The night is blue and full of creatures sleeping in the river banks,only one runs with the rivers forever hiding it's own trackes.
Silence falls on other creatures,
of feather and fur alike,
But when the moon takes it's features
Our song rises from the dark.
The song of rules and one of freedom clashes in the night and thus,
Don't be sad and don't be lonely,now you are one of us.
For one the strenght is that of pack for other that of mind. Forget the what -ifs and bounderies and let the moon decide.
Both packs run with the rivers one of water,one of blood. The moon is red now,Athena,we are bound by fur and mind.
When the moon of Ares gives you shape there will be nowhere to hide,you and me,we are bound by the moon and soul inside.
The song was weird,but she liked the melody. It rang quite well in her head and sometimes when she sang it she could almost feal that other mind brushing with hers. Soft, unformiliar, but not unpleasant. It wispered quietly. Weird stories and odd sensations. Sometimes at night she dreamed of running. Running after something. Her paws were strong and lenient under her while they were chasing the tiny creature. At least she thought those were her paws. She gigled,the creature was funny. Its white tail was franticly jumping up and down,left and right. It was small,it was fast. But not half as fast as her. She jumped high up in the air and used the trees to gain advantege. A mere second after its tail left the bush her claws senk into it's fur. It was warm from the chase and the tiny creatures heart was pumping franticly from fear. Fear. Such a stupid thing. What good is it to you? It only makes you bleed out faster,she thought watching the creatures white fur changing its color to red. What a painfull way to die this must be. She studied the creature a bit longer watching the strenght fade from it's eyes. When the kicking and tugging started getting more and more rear she lowered her head and senk her jaws into its neck. The creature moved no more. Huh,that was easy,she tought while picking the creature up in her mouth and carying it with her. This is no place to eat. Besides,maybe He would like some,she thought. But than the wolf raised its head and twiched its ear,as if sensing her presence and the dream fell to peaces. But the hunger stayed. Rye should've brought her lunch by now. Rye didn't talk,except when she read to her,or tought her things,which wasn't often .She brought her food,toys,new books and sometimes solved puzzles with her. But she almost never talked. She sometimes called her Ghost. She always went with the motions never stoping for a heartbeat. It was like taking care of her was the only purpose in her life. And that must mean she was somehow important. Furthermore,Rye was never late. She didn't know what time it was precisely,but Rye always came on time. Spring or winter,summer or autumn,no metter the light outside she always came twice a day. Once around noon and once in the evening. And she was never late. Until today,that is. Footsteps eccoed in the hallway outside her door. The key turned in the lock. Ghost was bleeding,blood gushing down her leg from her neck and torso. Her other hand was imobile lying down the side of her body. Ghost held out her hand in a gesture that said "come",so I did,only to be stopped a few seconds later by a group of men outside my door.
-Well,well,what do we have here? Long time no see,Rye. And this must be little Athena. Your mother's looking forvard to seing you.
-Back off Alerick! Unless you wanna start a war.
- There's no war to start. The one we were in ain't over. Not until we get back whats ours.
- You know bloody well that she belongs to us! Or are you unfamilliar with the common pack laws? What is it exactly that you're trying to do?
- I just want her safe with her familly. When the time comes you can have her.
- Cut the thoughtfull caring crap,Allerick! What is it that you really want!?
-I want my place in the pack! I want my bloody mate! I want you,Rye!You have no idea how it's been these past few years without you! I miss you so much that it phisicaly pains me,Rye. Why are you doing this? I know you feel my pain. I can feel yours.
Rye looked down in agony,thorn between her duty and her mate.
- You know why.
He heard her say softly.
- I can't forgive you for what you did. No one can. It's time for you to stop.
- You know I can't do that.
He spoke softly.
- Then I have no choice.
She proceded to take her claws out .Looking at him with tears in her eyes she slit her own throat.
Allericks POV:
The agony in his voice was devistating as he screamed in sherr teror running to where his mates dead body lay in an evergrowing pull of blood. There was nothing he could do as he watched the last of the light seep from her eyes. She was gone. And the only thing worse than this were the things she left behind. He looked at the girl standing next to him. She couldn't have been more six. And her moonbound was nowhere to be seen. For now. He picked up his dead mate in his arms and turned his head to glance at the confused girl standing behind him.
-Are you comming?
The girl followed,probably realising she never really had a choice.
She lifted her head to look at him
-Where are we going?
- To the pack.
When she just inclined her head to the side he tried differently.
- For me,to hell. For you,we're going home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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