Asking her out💖💖

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Summers POV:
I walked into school to hear Freddy calling my name😏

F: Hey Summer can I ask you something?
S: Sure!
F:do you wanna hang out today after school??
S: sure I would love too
F: awesome well see you at six?
S: ok! Bye Freddy!
F: bye sum

OMG Freddy called me sum eeeekk

Freddy's POV: (finally)

So I have had a huge crush on Summer for a while and I can tell she likes me back so I am going to ask her to be my girlfriend😏😏

-------------After school----------------
I get home and I only have an hour to get ready so I get changed into this

Summers clothes:

Summers clothes:

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Suddenly she heard the door bell ring and saw

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Suddenly she heard the door bell ring and saw...

Another cliffhanger😂

A/N I am currently on my way home from the road trip so I only wrote this sorry😌


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