Chapter 6

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Winter break had started a couple of days ago. It was Christmas in two days. I still had to buy some gifts so me and Rebecca decided to go for shopping today. I was dressed in a simple grey Tank top with a black cardigan over it.
We shopped for hours and Rebecca still couldn't find something to wear on Christmas. Like it's not your wedding Rebecca, nor are you having a date with Zayn Malik so calm your watermelons niggah!
After going through a dozen of more boutiques, she finally settled on one. Thanks to the god of satin and silk! *rolls eyes* 
It was Christmas Eve and I was going through my Instagram totally bored with real life "sighs dramatically*. Social life was kinda boring me too until I saw that Xavier posted an Instagram story! Oh the lord of unicorns and ponies! this was the first time Xavier posted a story since I started following him. I am so going to reply to this! I clicked on it and saw that it was about how people don't wait for Christmas morning to come before they start wishing merry Christmas. He was right. I mean whats the rush mofos can't you wait till the morning before wishing everyone a Happy Christmas?
Never mind, I just have to reply to this! I'm so done playing all those games and working my ass off for his attention. *pfft* I never ever worked this hard to improve my grades for The abundant Pluto's sake! 
After thinking for like ages I finally settled with "Totally legit. I mean what's the rush mofos?" Oh no no! I think I shouldn't add the cuss word at the end, it sounds so frank and unimpressive, don't even know why people find cussing so attractive, cool *inserts air brackets" and important, like for the sake of buttercream cookies, what is so impressive in cussing? It just makes you sound like an ill mannered teenager who doesn't use his brain and think before saying something, just gotta follow the trends to be cool no matter whether you sound hilarious to others or not. Never mind I got so distracted and that was totally off the track, no? 🙄  let's get back to my knight in New York armor shall we? ;)
So I concluded to omit "mofo" and settled on "Totally legit. I mean what's the rush? You can wish in the morning, not like it's a social obligation to wish Christmas as soon as possible" I also added the eye roll emoji for better effects;) and pressed the send button. *Sheeeet* here goes my boldest attempt for Xavier to notice me. I hope he doesn't think I was waiting for a chance to text him or something.
After replying to Xavier's Story, my mind was on a roller coaster ride thinking about the pros and cons of what I did. Would he even reply to me? Or seen-zone me. God! I'll die with embarrassment if he seen zoned me. It's downright antagonizing when you text someone and they leave you on read. Like what are emojis for? Just reply with a smiley, heart or flower at least would ya, Brad Pitt? *rolls eyes*
What if Xavier replied me with a an emoji. That would be such an insulting full stop that I'm sure I'd be too embarrassed to text him again. He better not do that or else I'm done with this NewYork Hotstuff *sighs exasperatedly*
I was still lost in my thoughts, overthinking the situation when my phone dinged with a new notification and brought me out of my negative thoughts which were running 280 miles pr/h. 
I checked my notifications which said I received a new message from Xavier. Oh the Makers of smartphones and tablets, my inner fan girl is dancing like Michael Jackson right now. I opened Instagram and straight away went to my DMs and clicked on Xavier's name which was obviously on top of the list *does a happy dance again*
Xavier replied with "Exactlyyy, good to see some people do think my point was right." Oh fuck, such a smooth reply, wasn't it? I wanted to believe he even complimented me but Okay Amelia! Have a goddamn grip of you sixteen year old dramatic heart.   I quickly typed back a reply which said "Yeah, some people not only think you're right but they'll also wait from tomorrow to actually wish everyone Merry Christmas ;p". Well what can I say, if he's being a smartass, so can I;). Xavier replied almost instantly saying "That was a very overwhelming knowledge". Can he ever stop smooth talking? Like what in the name of iPhones and Blackberrys am I going to reply to this? Not to forget There would be a small seen appearing on his screen so if I take time to reply that would be very clear and would look really weird. I didn't think much and typed "Glad I overwhelmed you". After clicking on the sent button I realized what the actual apple crumble I made. Like seriously Amelia? Such blunt flirting? I was thinking to unsend the flirty reply but I guess the Gorgeous God of flirting didn't want me to, because Xavier had seen it already. Let's hope he's very sleepy and doesn't smell the flirt I just did, all thanks to my irrational blunders. Xavier replied almost instantly proving that he wasn't sleepy. He said "Good to know I was a source of your happiness". Mayn, I'm going to crack myself handling this smart brain and trying to compete with him, failing attempts to come up with smooth replies but never mind, I try don't I?
"I'm pretty much a cherry bubble don't really need a source to stay happy".  Well well well, I can smooth talk sometimes too ;)
"Hahah. Should I get offended that you don't find me entertaining?" said Xavier. Ohh no no no boy! Why you being all emotional? That smart brain of yours would be the death of me sometime soon. I quickly replied back with "Oh no that wasn't what I said. Was it?" I hope he isn't fooling me around nor getting offended by my remark. Xavier replied back saying "Rightt. My poor assumption then." I guess he's convinced with my clarification *does a happy dance*. It was getting late and I had no idea how to continue the conversation so I texted him saying "it's getting late and by your assumptions I'm guessing you're sleepy too. So yeah, bye?" Okay I don't really know whether this sounds offensive or not but nevermind. "Oh yeah. It was nice talking to you Amelia. Hit me up whenever. Goodnight". Okay that tells Xavier didn't get offended. *phewww*.
After quickly replying back with a "Goodnight" I placed my phone down and started thinking about the conversation I just had with my Candy Crush. (Wow! Seriously Amelia? Candy Crush? You're so mature) God why can't my inner self ever stop bitch fitting? I just had a cute moment lemme be happy, my lovely inner bitch. Shutting my inner self
off I went back to thinking about Xavier until sleep took over my Sixteen year old dramatic self.

Heya Wattpaders!
Soooo this was Xavier and Amelia's first conversation. Do let me know about your reviews in the comments section below.
P.S: I'm sorry for such a long wait. Got really stuck in some stuff.
I'll try my best to wirte as frequently as possible again!
Please don't forget to VOTEE!
Much love x
Mahrukh Naveed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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