Bad day

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                           Draco POV
Draco was having an extremely bad day. He had had a terrible night, filled with nightmares about the war and had woken up to Pansy screaming that he was going to be late for class.
At breakfast, Blaise spilled hot coffee on him and during History of Magic he fell asleep and woke up to Prof. Binns screaming something about goblins.
Now it was time for Trasfiguration.
With the Gryffindorks.
And Potter, stupid, dorky, gorgeous, handsome, perfect Potter with his stupid breathtaking eyes in which Draco wanted to lose himself forever.
McGonnagall stepped into the classroom. The students quieted down.
Minerva McGonnagall was one of the few professors the students really respected, most of them had seen what she was capable of during the war.
" Today," she said, while walking swiftly towards her desk "We will be practicing the spell to turn something or somebody into the younger version of themselves, can anyone tell me what the spell is?"
Draco counted to two before turning around. Ah, yes, Granger's hand was up and waving.
'Old habits die hard, I see' he thought to himself, smirking before turning around.
" Yes, Miss Granger?" the professor asked without even turning towards her class.
She girl did not hesitate,
"The spell is Ringioventio, the person or animal hit with this spell will remember everything that happened once he,she or it return to their previous state. The is no way or reversing the spell, but at some point it will break...say, after five or so months."
"Very good Miss Granger, as you understand, the spell cannot be broken, so I hope you have enough sense not to hit one of your classmates." the professor stared down her students. Surprisingly, she sent a meaningful look towards Weasley.
" We will be practicing on mice but before we start I have to attend to some important matters."
After she had left Draco leaned towards Pansy.
"Hey Pans"
"Yes dear?"
The blonde rolled his eyes before answering,
" What's up with the Weasel?"
She looked at him, wide eyed
"You mean you don't know!?"
" What? You ask like every single person in the entire school knows about this piece of information except me"
"That was what I was going for. Seriously though Draco, you don't know what happened?"
He shook his head, dying to know more but not wanting to seem too desperate.

" Come on then! Tell me!" he pleaded Pansy, throwing his act of the uncaring Malfoy out the window a few minutes later.
Pansy chuckled and shook her head, smiling all the while.
" Oh please, please, please, please!" he cried hooking his arms around her neck, going into full stereotypical teen girl mode.
Pansy laughed, then escaping from his arms she said
" Ok, Ok, Ok...we're in a public space here Draciekins, you can't go full hormonal teen girlie on me...I'll tell you..."
But Pansy absolutely loved when he did, like he was showing her that he wasn't the cold, indifferent Prince of Slytherin he claimed to be. She knew things about him, that even he hadn't figured out completely...
"Yay..." Draco whispered, bouncing almost imperceptibly on the balls of his feet.
Harry POV
Harry was having one of those days. He woke up to Ron and Hermione squabbling over who knows what.
The unpleasant start to his day had left him in a sour mood.
During breakfast, distracted by something he had poured orange juice on his pancakes and had spread jam on his bacon.
Of course, when he finally acknowledged what he had done breakfast was over.
What had he been distracted by?
Draco sodding Malfoy.
The stupid blonde, with his wit and soft hair and great body. Not to mention his gorgeous eyes that were tumultuous and fierce like a storm at sea or soft and delicate like a faint mist or the footsteps of a little kitten. If Harry could he would just sit around all day, writing about the Slytherin's eyes.
Since lessons would start later in the day Harry had thought he would escape from Weasley's (yes, he now called him by his last name) glares and snarls and go to the library.
But, when he got there, he found the Weaslette waiting there for him. (Yes, he referred to her like Malfoy. He found it quite appropriate)
After verbally abusing him for a while she couldn't contain herself, she flew at him, but before she even reached the boy two pairs of hands grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back.
"Get out of here brat" said Seamus
" Yeah Weasley, out" continued Dean.
Harry gave them a thankful look, then sank to the floor.
The couple was beside him in a minute
"Harry, you okay?"
"Do you feel well?"
"What's wrong?"
Harry laughed a little
"Guys, you sound like a couple of overprotective parents! I'm ok...really..."
"Harry James Potter, if you think we are going to buy that than you are sadly mistaken. I now ask you once more. What. Is. Wrong!" cried Seamus
Harry sighed before answering
"It's just... I don't know if coming out this year was a good idea... I could have just pretended everything was normal.
Now Weasley and Weaslette hate me and think I have a disease and 'Mione really loves her boyfriend so she doesn't really talk to me. I'm not mad at her though, she sends me cards and little notes and still helps with my homework..."
Dean and Seamus looked horrified.
"Harry" Dean said seriously " Never say that... just because a bunch of close minded pricks don't want to be your friend does not mean you aren't loved. You did what you thought best and you shouldn't regret it."
"Yeah!" Seamus agreed enthusiastically "besides, have you ever seen such amazing, handsome best friends as us? No! We're amazeballs!"
Dean and Harry both choked.
"Amazeballs?" they asked
"Yeah!" Seamus beamed.
They all laughed, Harry feeling grateful for having such weird, great friends.
"Well...I think..." started Dean
"It's time for a..." continued Seamus
"Oh no... guys... you don't really mean..." Harry said in mock horror
"GROUP HUG!" the couple shouted in unison, enveloping the raven haired boy.
"Mmmmf....mmmmmfffff....mmf!" came muffled voice from the center of the hug, but Dean and Seamus just laughed.
An hour or so later, it was time for Transfiguration.
With Malfoy.
Harry sighed, he had started to understand that he may be possibly in love with the blonde but he still didn't want to admit it to himself.
As McGonagall explained the Ringioventio spell he had a silent glaring contest with Weasley that ended with the redhead mouthing a few insults. Harry was quite pleased when the professor shot Weasley a look that made him shrink into his seat.
He glanced over at Malfoy, and saw the blonde bounce up and down while his friend giggled.
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