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Draco POV

"Potter is what?" Draco whispered,not trusting himself to ask it in a normal tone.

"Potter is gay, Draco, for the fifth time. And don't act like you're not pleased with this piece of information, i see you staring at him every moment you can spare, you know..." Pansy replied.

Draco had to fight every impulse he had not to look at the raven haired boy.
'That doesn't make him suddenly attracted to me' thought bitterly.
After making sure Pansy was completely engrossed in a conversation with Astoria Greengrass, Draco stole a glance at Potter.
Immediately, he noticed something that made the blonde was to run and embrace his beloved.
He watched as a single green tear, reflected in his beautiful eyes, silently rolled down his cheek and fall on the open book in front of him.
Old Draco would have not hesitated in proclaiming to the entire class that Saint Potter was crying.
But old Draco didn't have feelings for the Boy Who Lived like the new one.
Instead he did something completely unexpected and very Un-Malfoy like.
'Father would have beaten me senseless if knew' he thought giddily.
He smiled at the boy.
Not a malicious, cruel one.
One that, little did he know it, lit up the whole room for Potter. Then Draco turned his attention to his Transfiguration book, his mind churning.
Why had the Slytherin done this?
Because it reminded him of the silent, secret he shed in his room, because no one could know how he felt for his supposed arch-enemy.

Harry POV
Harry tried to concentrate on his book but unwanted thoughts kept crowding his head.
He sighed, finally giving in, and started thinking about how everything was.
Seamus and Dean were awesome but he sort of missed the days of the so called "Golden Trio". Now Ron was Weasley and Ginny was Weaslette.
Not to mention the fact that he had started to develop feelings for a certain Blonde Slytherin, of all people...
Harry sighed once more, feeling the swirling emotions inside him condensate into a single tear. He let out an involuntary sob and quickly wiped the rebel tear away.
'Is it so hard for you to even keep it together in class, you absolute idiot'
The horrible little self loathing voice in his head said. He had started to hear it after the war, and it constantly insulted and blamed him for everything. Eventually Harry had started to believe the it and obeyed it when it ordered the boy to hurt himself.
The raven haired boy tried to compose himself, he didn't want Malfoy to see him like this. He would break if he saw those gorgeous eyes filling up with malice and a patronizing smirk shaping its way across his face. His head still filled with though of Malfoy, he turned the blonde.
Their eyes locked.
Harry expected a smirk or a scowl but instead was met with the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. It was kink and genuine and a little melancholy...
It went all the way up to his eyes...
Then the Slytherin turned away, leaving Harry with a sense of hope and a will to live, just so he could see that smile once more.
This chapter is substantially shorter but I will immediately start writing the next one. The excuse I have for not being active is simply because I was getting ready for my trip to the Czech Republic. I hope you like my work, if so please comment anything you want, I always love to know what you think and vote.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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