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I was actually having fun, when we got to Miko's place she ordered pizza and other stuff I don't know the name of, we played fighting video game called Super Smash Bros, after a few rounds I got the hang of it, I normally played as the character Samus.......ok it was really fun, there is no logical use for a video game but it was fun.

After that we ate the pizza and really good stuff to which I don't know the name of, Miko shot up from the couch.

" Have you ever seen The Princess Bride?"

I shook my head no, Miko giggled and walked out of the room.

*" What's going on?"* a voice whispered from my bag.

Scrap I forgot he was there, I threw a screwdriver at him.

*" shush! Stay in there!!!"* I hissed. What I said I should make throwing screwdrivers my thing

Miko came bouncing back into the room, she held a DVD case that read: The Princess Bride.

She floped on the couch and pressed play:

" cough cough"

" bum bah ba da du daaa du "

" Hey? Is it ok if I do your hair?" Miko asked.

" Go right ahead." I replied, Miko laughed and ran to get a brush and ect, when she returned she started immediately, she started to pull my hair back but paused.

" uh...where did you get that scar?" She asked, I fingered the scar that went from behind my.ear to my shoulder. I got it from being held captive by a con, he cut me to make Shrapnel upset, the I detonated a bomb and got away, walking away with a life long scar...I was 12 at the time.

" Car accident." I lied, Miko whistled.

" I've can't even remember how many I've been in." She chatted, she rolled up her sleave showing me a six inch scar.

" I think that's my worst one.."

I smiled, she had no idea, I wear my hair down, long sleeves and cargo pants cause I don't want other to see the scars...ok I'm nit.like hideous and scary to see type of scars....its just.....embarrassing.

Miko handed me the mirror.

" Taa daa!!!" She said showing me my hair, which was done into some fancy knot.

I must have been gaping, but my hair had never looked this nice and put together.

I smiled,

" It looks fantastic!"

Miko smiled and pulled her attention to the movie.

" ohhhh this is the best part!" She fangirled.

* pushes man in black down hill *


" Oh my dear Wesly "

* throws self down hill*


Jack looked at the clock then at Raf.

" Hey, have you seen Miko?" He asked.

Raf gave a malicious grin

" I SHIP IT!!!!!" he shouted, Jack blushed.

Raf grinned

" She's at her place with Rachel." He replied.

Jack's face filckered with concern for a split second, he hoped Raf didn't notice.

Smokescreen and Bee walked in, Bee looked overly nervous as they made their way to the boys.

.:: Hey...uh..Raf...er Jack can I...::. He paused and turned around.

.:: Never mind...::.

Smokescreen grabbed the scout before he could walk off.

" Now don't be yellow."

.:: I am yellow::. Bee replied.

" in the cowardly way is what I ment. You see boys out friend here has....eh...feelings for none other than our Arcee, and he needs advice. Seeing I've never had a sparkmate or dealings with femmns I will leave it to you professionals." Smokescreen said with a wink.

" I SHIP IT!!!!" shouted Raf.

Jack facepalmed bad sighed. Bee felt the energon flood to his face.

" CAN YOU FOUR BE QUITE!!! I'M TRYING TO WORK!!!!" Yelled a agitated Ratchet.

The four snickered and creeped out of the room.

So What If My Best Friend Is A Decpticon ( A TFP Fanfic, Book 1 )Where stories live. Discover now