Love... do you believe in that? Well people say your too young to be in love or you've gotten your heat broken so many times you start to question if love even exist. Well I'm Mia, I'm a 14 yr old who's gotten her heart broken many times. Mostly by the same person, but that's only because I'm stupid enough to even go back to him. I've mostly dated 3 people but Jacobs the one I always come back to even tho he's the one that hurt me the most. If your wondering he cheated on me... with my "bestfriend", she's not so "best" now. It's just... I always find myself falling back I love with him even when I don't want to. Well today is probably the best thing that is going to happen to me, I'm moving to Arizona. Far, far, far away from Jacob, Now I can actually break up with him and not go crawling back. If your wondering which your probably not, I live with my mom and that's it, I'm an only child and my mother and so called dad are divorced. Gosh I hate that word, it makes you feel different from other kids. I sometimes feel not special because I don't have to two loving parents to take care of me. I only have one that works her ass off all day and night, my moms a nurse and when you work in a hospital you have very long shifts. But my mom got enough money to move us to a better place. That I'm happy for. Right now I'm walking to Jacobs house and I'm so happy no words can describe. But... Jacob is gonna be not so happy. Well that's his loss ;) I walk up the steps and ring the door bell. Just my luck Jacob answers, "hey babe" he said leaning on for a kiss, I quickly move away and do my 'we need to talk' face. "What's wrong" he sighed, "Jacob I'm moving away and we need to break up cause it's not going to work out" I smiled, "no... no It can work out please don't" he begged, "I mean we aren't gonna work out but maybe that girl you cheated on me with can keep you company while I'm gone" I laughed and started to walk out, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back. " no you don't need to do this" he whined, "oh yes I do" I said and walked away. That felt so good! I walked back home just in time cause it was time to go, "goodbye cruel world" I screamed driving away. So many memories I won't to burn from this place. Arizona here I come!

Hi hope u liked it baiii

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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