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If you didn't know what the title was supposed to say, it means "TAGGED."

Which obviously means, I've been tagged...

If I tag you, here are the rules:

1. Post all the rules
2. Don't refuse the challenge
3. You have 1 week to do this challenge
4. You H A V E to put it in one of your books. Don't tag in a comment or the messaging board.
5. List 13 facts about you.
6. Tag 13 people
7. Have a creative title
8. Tell the person who tagged u that you're done (in this case, me)

Alright, 13 facts about me, here we go:
1. I feel sadder in the summertime and happier in winter.
2. I saw Brendon Urie (the lead singer of Panic! At The Disco) in person in Kinky Boots on June 29th!
3. Oh yeah, and I live in New York.
4. I'm going to Canada in August.
5. I'm listening to Three Days Grace right now on Spotify.
6. Oh wait now it has an Evanescence song on.
7. I  L I K E  T O  T Y P E  L I K E  T H I S
8. I text with xD's a LOT
9. I'm an ambivert with slightly more introverted characteristics.
10. My birthday is on Canada Day which is funny cuz I don't live in Canada and also I'm going there too soon.
11. One of my favorite languages is sign language.
12. I'm eating cherries right now.
13. I am INCREDIBLY socially awkward O_o


Yeah Ik, sorry I just needed to complete this challenge sorry if you're tagged T_T

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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