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Spencer’s P.O.V

“You SO love me!” I yelled across Jarett to David.
                “Oh yeah, you’re the only one I think of… well, other than my GIRLFRIEND!” Jarett sunk farther into his seat.
                “Damn David, does she know?” I asked him.
                “Know what?” David said leaning in closer to me over Jarett.
                “That every day when you see her, and you fuck her, the only thing you’re thinking about is how much you wish that it was me in your bed and not her.” I said quietly because I knew it would piss him off. Jarett was laughing and my dad was laughing. David leaned closer to me so he looked like he was going to kiss me.
                “You know what? You’re completely right, every day when I’m getting laid I think about you and how you will grow up hopeless and lonely.” I smiled at his attempt.
                “Ouch David that stung babe. But let me tell you something.” I leaned in so close I was only three centimeters away from kissing him. “I get saved from the STI.” I patted his face twice and sat back properly. Yeah I know I attracted David from the start, now he’s saying he doesn’t, which tells me he really does.
                Everyone was laughing except for me and David, and then in two seconds, when my dad yelled out ‘damn it,’ I knew we were being ambushed.
                Then our car flipped off the road into the ditch landing onto the roof so we were all upside down.
                “Yo! Anyone alive?” I yelled out. David and Jarett grunted, nothing came from my dad. “Boss!?” I panicked. Still nothing.
                I unbuckled my seatbelt and fell onto my shoulder almost hitting Jarett with my butt. He didn’t seem to care. I twist turn and struggle to get near my father. I put my two fingers to his pulse and feel nothing. My breathing became fast and heavy.
                “Spencer calm down.” David said falling to the floor shortly after I had. I tried taking deep breaths but no matter how hard I had tried I started to hyper ventilate again. Jarett put his big hand on my back trying to sooth me, and even though my breathing had slowed down, my heart was still beating rapidly.
                “Guy’s he’s gone.” I said looking at the door that was most likely not going to open. I turned my whole body towards the door and started kicking the shit out of it. I can’t sit here and do nothing knowing my father is dead and knowing he was so close to freedom, so close to being able to do what he wanted without being attacked or arrested. We were all so close to living the life we wanted.
                When my foot connected to the door for the thousandth time, we all heard a bang. I stopped dead in my motions and stared at Jarett and David.
                “Gun.” I said quietly to the others.
                “David start working on the other door Spence, look out the window and see what’s going on.” Jarett fell down almost landing on top of me.
                David kicked the door, I looked out the window seeing what they were doing and Jarett was reaching in the back for a gun of his own. My heart stopped when I saw what was happening.
                “It’s another mob, they’re killing off everyone in the cars with a knife.” I held my breath when I watched Ian, Noah and Johnny run into the forest. Please go see mom.
                “David hurry your little ass up man.” I told him. He gave me the stink eye and started kicking harder. There was another shot and I looked at David wishing he had magically opened the door, but he was still kicking away.
“Spencer, help him.” Jarett told me switching places with me. I got beside David which was a tight fit and together we started kicking the door. I kicked the door so hard it had started vibrating.
                Another shot went off this time closer. I stopped stomping on the door while David continued. This isn’t going to work. I look around trying to find a way out.
                “Why isn’t the window fucking breaking!?” David yelled. I collapse against the floor. Or the roof…?
                “Give me the damn gun Jarett.” I said reaching towards him. How could I have been so damn stupid all of the sudden.
                Jarett quickly gave me his gun and pulled out a hunting knife. I rolled my eyes, like that’s going to do a lot.
                I smashed the butt of the gun against the window once and the whole window shattered. I gripped the gun while David removed the extra shards of glass so we don’t cut ourselves while getting out.
                “You guys go I have the gun, I’ll watch your back.” They both were about to protest but I didn’t give them enough time. “GO!” I yelled slapping David across the arm pushing Jarett to follow him.
                Just before Jarett was fully out of the van, the window was smashed open on the other door. I tried to scramble away but someone had put an iron grip on my ankle pulling me away from the boys.
                I was dragged out the opposite window magically not getting cut and they had taken my gun and thrown it at the other side of the car. They didn’t know that David and Jarett were there.
                “Anyone else in the car?” one burly guy had asked me.
                “Do you see anyone else?!”I yelled at the man, fighting the others holding me down.
                “Poke her.” The burly man told his men.
                A guy with a needle came to me. “Don’t you dare!” I yelled at the little short man. I was not going to die from infection because of this.
                “Will you co-operate with us if we don’t give you the needle?” what kind of mob is this?!
                “Yes sir.” I answered flinching in pain as a member twisted my arm backwards. They threw me into the trunk of their 1990 mustang. This already sucks. 


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