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Yn P.O.V

I wonder if they think I want all this attention.....cause I don't...I just want my mom back, after I get her back I'm gonna just go away for a while. I think it'd be better if I just left so everyone could live their lives together. without me... so when I... never mind.

Ray: hay me a favor and stop being so depressing your bumming my mood

Yn: sorry...just thinking

Ray: you wanna talk about it? 

Yn: it doesn't matter....what matters is us making up a plan...

Ray: a plan? 

Yn: yeah,  you don't expect us to find her and  stuff her in a bag to drag her here do you?

Ray: of course not...

Yn: you do know what hotel she's in right...

Ray: yeah,  it's just a couple blocks down from here... and on that same block is an abandoned gym

Yn: how'd. you know that? 

Ray: Chres said his uncle used to own it till he went broke that is...

Yn: that's great...he'll never expect us to be so close...

Ray: exactly what I was thinking

Just then fake Queen herself walks in

Pey: what are you guys talking about

Ray must have felt my anger because right as after she said that he suggested I go next door with the others

Ray: Yn why don't you go check n them next door

Yn: yeah..

I got up and walked out without even looking at peyton,  if she really has a problem she should've came up to me and said something instead of being a hop along...pussy

I walked next door and knocked,  Amaya opened the door and pulled me in


Yn: sorry.

Amaya:  aw bestie it's okay come on let's go talk,  you look like you need a talk

Amaya pulled me into the room and we walked in to see Bianca and Craig making it with one another in bed....  Amaya cleared her throat and they both looked up at us

For some awkward reason I thought  I'd be jealous but, at the moment Im just like FUCK IT.

Craig:  Yn i-

I held my hand up and shook my head

Yn: you don't have to explain yourself to me craig we don't go out anymore....

Craig:  I mean we never really broke up

Yn: Craig. I'm dumping you feel better now? 

Craig:  not really

Amaya:  just get the FUCK out

Bianca: babe let's go

Bianca grabbed his hand and they started walking out the door pass me and amaya

Amaya walked to the bed, placed her hand on her stomach and started giggling,  I walked the bed and sat next to her beginning to Laugh along with her.

Yn: why are we laughing

Amaya:  I don't know, but it feels good to laugh

Yn: does..

Amaya:  you've been through alot these past couple months

Yn: you have to.....

Amaya: yeah but I'm worried about you...

Yn: that's exactly it....why is everyone so worried about me...everyone needs to just worry about them selves I'll manage... you especially need to worry about yourself I mean look at this heaven sent gift

I started rubbing her tummy

Amaya:  I know, but that's what chres is for....

Yn: then who's minding chres while he's all worried as bout you,  who is  all worried about me

Amaya:  you ask too many fucking questions you know that? 

Yn: yeah but you love love when I ask a whole bunch of questions cause it makes you feel like your some star in a interview or some shit

Amaya:  you know me a little too well

Yn: that's what best friends are for...

Amaya: I love you Yn

Yn: I love you to Amaya, now get some sleep... please...I'm worried about you and my nephew/niece

I watched as she kicked off her socks and got under the covers,  I then walked out the door spreading the bedroom from the "living room"

when I turned after closing the door Jacob was standing next to Jordan talking up a be honest they look rather adorable together ,and this is the First time I seen Jordan actually smile.... I'm happy for them... It's time Jacob moved on from us...

I walked out the door and stopped in my tracks

He stood in front of me....

He was here

He was....


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