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Her soul was as fuelling as a fire
But her heart was as cold as ice
She warmed anything she touched
And burnt anything she loved.
Like a fire she appeared to be fuelled by wood and by that I mean male genitals.
She lusted for any boy who could look her straight in the eyes for at least 30 seconds without running away.

She was the kind of girl to purposely take all the hot water and use all the shampoo if you've had an argument, just so you'll be as cold as her heart felt.

She'd park over the lines just because she couldn't be bothered to waste her time and park parallel. And she'd leave her car in awkward bends in the roads just to give old people a scare.

She was the kind of girl who would laugh at children who dropped there ice cream and scowl at children who dared to laugh at her.

She was the kind of person who gave you back pennies and change when she owed you money just so you wouldn't ask for money back from her again. She was the girl who would swipe your credit card like a Polaroid picture to buy the new Kylie Jenner makeup or whatever caught her alluring eyes.

But he loved her.
He loved every flaw she owned.
For him getting her to smile was like winning the lottery.
And a touch of her lips was like ecstasy and fireworks

Because he loved her, he saw the best in her and everything she did.
He noticed how she'd curl her fingers just right to pet her dogs ears and make his tail wag as fast as her heartbeat.
He noticed how she'd always mumble a heartfelt sorry after an argument, even if it wasn't her fault.
He noticed how she'd hide her scars with high waisted jeans and keep her birth mark hidden behind her ear with at least 3 layers of foundation for strong coverage.
He noticed how she always sprayed her pillow with a certain lavender scent because it reminded her of a good shopping day, in lavender park with her old friends.
He noticed how she never lied and was always honest.
And he couldn't not notice the way her skin was as smooth as butter.

He couldn't not notice how he loved her.

Audrey Where stories live. Discover now