The Night I Fell

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I had no idea how it happened that night, wether it was the warm heat of fire mixed with dim lighting, or how the crickets in the background filled in between the silence or how the uprooting smell of steak cooking on the fire made everyone so relaxed. Or maybe perhaps it was even how the chair was just big and comfy enough for two people. Whatever the reason, I fell for Audrey that night.

The atmosphere was perfect, small conversations and well fed stomachs. Everyone was relaxed and chill. So chill In fact half of the camp had fallen asleep, all huddled near each other in there tents. It wasn't quiet but it was peaceful. I was just staring into the fire, letting my mind wonder and my feet tapped subconsciously, I was relaxed. Until suddenly something blaring red was shoved into my view. I looked up to see a scowling girl looming over me, dark red hair and piercing gold eyes squinted and wearing a very very short red dress. It was like I was still staring at the fire.
"Oi asshole who are you waiting for!" The girl making strong hand gestures to me.
"Er- what?" I replied back quite shook up by the change of emotion so quick.
"Well your hogging a whole seat so what bitch is going to sit there!" The girl snapped folding her arms angrily.
"" I mumbled still getting used to the situation I had found myself in.
"You calling me a bitch!" The girl snapped putting her hands on her hips quickly.
"No! No! Err just I was can sit here! It's fine there's no -
"Thank god, my feet are fucking killing in these heels." The girl relaxed slumping herself back into the seat, sitting almost on me. Getting her heels off she pushed against my body and flung off her heels just missing the fire.
She stretched her feet I noticed her red painted nails, and worn feet. I felt her pushing up against me as she stretched, which should of made me feel uncomfortable having this girl I had never met on me, but instead I wanted her to move even closer. As if she could sense this she pushed herself into me more almost laying on my lap. "Your weirdly comfy." The girl commented, which sounded like an compliment but the way she said it sounded like an insult. But I brushed past her tone.
"Er thanks." I grimaced scratching my neck awkwardly as I didn't know where else to put my hand.
"Your not much of a sweet talker are you?" The girl commented laying down completely on my lap. I should of moved, shoved her off. Looked around to see who might of saw. But with this girl laying on my lap like this nothing else could have got my attention.
"Well- I- erm...I guess not." I muttered flustered at the term of events.
"Well then you better come down here and use those lips of yours for something else." The girl smirked, licking her tongue and reaching her hand up to stroke the side of my jaw. I gulped. Alarmed.
But before I could respond I felt her hand slide from my jaw to my neck and push my head forward, it was a blur, I think I closed my eyes. But suddenly I was making out with one of the most upfront hottest girls I had ever seen.
I hardly new what to do, I tried to mimic movements she did but I couldn't keep up with her as her hands traveled up and down my entire body. I didn't know where to put my hands, but she eventually guided me. Which I was grateful for. I wish I could say her lips tasted like cherries or sweet strawberries but they tasted like sickly thick alcohol, a smell I was all too familiar with. She sometimes stopped and would suck and bite the inside of my shoulder, which kinda hurt but kinda felt nice and then she'd quickly continue, nothing stopping her. I'm surprised she couldn't smell the sweat I was giving off, thank god it was probably masked by the smell of the fire. Eventually it got to much and I pulled back to breathe and pant. She smirked mockingly, and bit my lip before she got up off my lap, but still with that smug expression.
Still keeping eye contact with me she lifted up her short dress showing me what she wanted me and no one else to see. I blinked in shock.
"How about you take me somewhere private." She smiled winking at me as I stumbled to get up. No one hopefully noticed if we left the party, which no one I saw did. But I took her to my house as it wasn't far and I didn't know anywhere else private.

The girl pushed me aggressively on the bed and started to unbuckle my belt. My eyes went wide I couldn't believe this was happening. She climbed over me and whispered on my ear "don't worry." And held up a small packet of some sort. I nodded, my heart beat going faster every second. This was real. The girl bit her lip and then walced over to my door. "Oh it's a good thing this has a lock-." The girl laughed turning the lock slowly. "-we don't want to be disturbed tonight."

Great chapter so far x keep writing ✍️- Mimi x

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