Chapter 1

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Ayaka glanced at her friend, Tursa, before grunting.

"That's not exactly what I'd call it." the Pyroar told her. "I mean, finding out who my parents are isn't THAT exciting... is it?"

The Monferno besides her almost choked on thin air. "I was SHOCKED to see that Jaztoz, the god of harvest, and Wyana, the goddess of shadows were MY parents, though!" she told her loudly. 

"That's because they were a Shaymin and a Lunala and they're awesome." Ayaka grumbled.

Today was the Pyroar's spiritual ceremony, where a ritual would be preformed in the middle of the village, in which she'd be told who her parents were. 

Of course, she wasn't AS excited for it as her friend was, which made the fire type huff as soon as they'd made it to the platform.

There was their village guardian, Tapu Koko, glancing around. It seemed to grin when it saw Ayaka.

"Ayaka! Alola!" he was accustomed to his main home, Alola, and refused to say "hi" without including the slightest hint of alola in it.

"Alola, o' great and almighty Tapu Koko." Tursa dipped her head, and her friend did the same. Beside the platform was a bunch of Pokemon in the village. The Pyroar huffed and clambered onto the stage, ignoring her guardian's whole speech.

"...and now, Ayaka, may you drink the honey and nectar of confirmation!" his voice returned to her senses as a small bowl with the sweet liquid was pushed in front of her by a Vespiqueen. She lowered her head and sniffed it. She'd never liked honey that much before, but she decided against her dislikes, and took a big gulp of it.

It tasted like a Bunnelby.

Delighted that it had at least tasted like prey, she ate the rest of it and glanced at the crowd as they stared at her. She knew that she was glowing. It had always happened with the other Pokemon, too.

Soon, another bowl filled with water in it was also placed in front of her. Gazing down into her reflection, she gasped.

The aura around her was a golden-steel color, the other side of the aura being dark blue.

"No... it can't be..." she whispered. The Tapu's face was blank.

She was the daughter of Solgaleo and Tapu Fini.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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