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With his hands in mine I follow behind him as he leads us to a steep hill with big white words.
"ilsan", it read in big bold letters and I smile to myself as we walk up the steep hill. Namjoon turns and gives me a look over his shoulders, "are you okay?", I smiled at how caring he is and I give his hand a light squeeze to reassure that I'm okay. He turns his head in front and without me knowing we already arrive at the top of the hill. Looking in front of me with my eyes wide open and my jaw falls to the ground. The night view is so beautiful up here. Although this is my first time in ilsan where namjoon was born he had always told me how beautiful it was. The view was so breathtaking and it felt so peaceful up here with all the colorful street lights and all the cars passing by. The moon shined bright and every thing in this moment seemed so perfect.
Feeling warm hands wrapped around my waist I crane my head towards namjoon to see him back hugging me. He rest his chin on my shoulders and I place my hands around his that are placed on my stomach. "Beautiful isn't it?", I ask him and he looks out at the view. "It is..but your more beautiful", I roll my eyes in annoyance with his comment and he laughs. He lets me go and pulls me down in between his laps. I rest my head on his chest and again he lays his chin on the top of my head after kissing it. Silence fills the air as we stare out into the beautiful view. As time passes by I feel my eye lids grow heavier and heavier.
I'm out buying groceries for the house and flashbacks from yesterday night pop up in my mind making me smile like an idiot.
Looking out in the view with my head still rested on namjoons chest I look up to him. "Why do you like it up here?", he looks at me and smiles to himself as he brings his head in front of us. "When it seems like I'm going to forget myself in this place, I find my old self that was fading", I pout to myself over what he said. I take his big warm hands in mine and kiss each of his knuckles.

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