Chapter 2

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"Vexy?" Smurfette asked, speechless.

"Who and the what now?" Clumsy asked, and came over behind Smufette. "Vexy?!"

"What are you doing here?" Brainy asked.

"Hackus here too!" said a familiar voice, and then Hackus peeked out from behind the corner, and jumped on top of Vexy.

"Hackus!!" Vexy yelled, and laughed, then managed to get him off of her. "Hey, guys," she said to them, smiling.

"Grouchy will be so excited!!!!" Hefty said from the bed, noticing Vexy.

"Oh, right! Where is Grouchy, by the way?" she asked.

"Woah woah, wait. What are doing guys doing here?" questioned Smurfette.

"We needed a new home!" said Hackus.

"Yeah, what he said," Vexy said. "Now, where's Grouchy?"

"He's not here, he's at his bench right now."

"Well, c'mon!!" Vexy squealed, tugging on Smurfette's arm. "Show me where this bench is!"

"But I-" before she could finish, Vexy dragged her off.

"It's down that trail," Smurfette said, and pointed.

As soon as Grouchy was insight, Vexy ran up to him. All Grouchy saw was a blue flash, before Vexy gave him a quick hug.

"V-V-Vexy?! What are you doing here?!" Grouchy asked, confused.

Before she could respond, Hackus jumped over the them a gave Grouchy a big squeeze.

Smurfette and Vexy just laughed.

"Hackus here, too!!" he said, still hugged him.

Grouchy panted out, "I-I see that."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2017 ⏰

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