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Thank you for adding this book to your library, voting, commenting, or even just checking it out! I hope every single one of you enjoy it, although my writing is not the best in the first few chapters. (I promise I'll get to editing as soon as I can) But, if you decide to stay albeit the rocky beginning then thank you very much!

warnings (not really):

-mpreg (if you're not comfortable with this, this is not the book for you !
-homophobic slurs (slight)
-fem/bottom! harry (doesn't necessarily mean harry's a girl, just a feminine male)

Well, that's all I have to say before you begin this book ! Please vote, share, comment-you know the drill. Every little thing is appreciated and don't forget to follow me !

much love x, ash

Oblivious Not Obvious - l.s - mpregWhere stories live. Discover now