
41 0 2

March 29th, 2014

"Moooommmmmm!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could, but the strangers smacked the living hell out of my cheek.

"Shut the hell up," they hollered at me.

"whats going on? Are you going to hurt me?" I asked scared entirely for my life.

I felt a deep pain suddenly flare on my side.

"I said shut up, or I'll kick you harder some where else!" a guy whispered in my ear.

I kept silent most of the ride. Although I was blinded, my feeling a.k.a. sense of touch was still in pretty good tact. I was poorly tied in some tattered used rope. They threw some kind of potato bag on my head. Really? This isn't the flippen movies -_-. They threw me in some old van with chipped paint. It crumbled easily underneath of me. The van was pretty rusty itself even I wouldn't want to be seen in this hunk of junk.

I could hear five different voices. Chattering amongst themselves. Talking about money and people they got to meet places they got to go. By their voices three guys were slim and they had two buff guys. I'm guessing the buff ones were used if i try to leave, so obviously this wasn't their first gig.

Can't believe this. I got kidnapped. Was anyone going to care? I guess not -_-. Why are they doing this? What the hell could I do for them? (Absolutely nothing.) What were they going to do with me? Dealing, science, prostitution? I wont find out til we get there. Where ever the hell we're going.

I wraggled my wrists and hands trying to get free of this sweaty mess. The grip the rope had on me wasn't even that tight. F-R-E-E!!! I was a free man. Within seconds I had no feeling in my left hand.

"Serves your skinny ass right," he said while spitting in my face.


A month earlier 

Feb. 27th, 2014


The days were growing longer. Friendships growing apart. Life getting sadder, no girlfriend, no football season, nothing to keep me occupied. Nothing to keep me from being at home and away from bullys. Also my older brother...the only bully I really have to live with. Just always stuck at home with my mom and two brothers. I had a dad, but he was "working" all time. Maybe I see him an hour every other day, but that's it. Mom says not to talk about it because he is the only one paying our bills and putting food on our plate.

My moms name is Atrucia. My grandma said because she was an atrocity to push out. My fathers name is Dan like off of the show "Roseanne." I have two brothers. My older brother Tucker (like "TuckEverlasting"). My younger brother is Ralph (like "A Christmas Story). My name is TImothy (Timmy for short).

My little brother Ralph says, "Timmy Turner, Timmy Turner!!!" but I ignore his lil dumbass. My mom says I was named Timothy because I look like one.

 Morning 7:25am 

"Timmy! Timmy! Get up! It's time to get ready for school!" Mom hollered from downstairs.

"Five more minutes!" I yelled weakly.

Mom cam up the stairs like an elephant stampede towards my room.

"Get your ass up! You are not missing another day!"She said firmly while putting a cup of ice cold water on top of my head. 

"Mom you bitch!!!!!!!!!" I yelled while she ran sdown the stairs laughing.

"I told you to get up!" She giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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