Chapter 39 : Parents' Decision

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Dinner time is getting nearer. Wang Qing and Dayu felt extremely nervous. Their chest tighten and their stomach hurt.

"Qingge, Dayu... dinner is ready," Wang Qing's mother was shouting from the dining room.

"Yes, Mom... we'll be there in a minute!" Wang Qing shouted back to his Mom.

Wang Qing looked at Dayu and nodded his head lightly.

"Let's go."

Before Wang Qing has a chance to open the door, Dayu grabbed his hand. Wang Qing turned his body to face Dayu with concerned face. Dayu circled his hands on Wang Qing's neck and gave him a light peck on the lips. Wang Qing's forehead creased, he carefully put his hands on Dayu's waist.

"Are you worried?"


"Are you afraid?"


"Then? What is it about?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your expression looked like you want to just surrender."

"You're right..."

"Please don't say that you want to give up on us if they still don't want to accept us."

"You are right that I want to just surrender if they still don't want to accept our relationship. But I don't say that I want to give up on us."

Wang Qing smiled. "Then, why did you suddenly kiss me?"

"Can't I?"

"No. It's just... weird... for you to suddenly kissed me and..."

Dayu kissed him again. On Wang Qing's nose this time. "Long time ago, I used to hate you because you grew taller ten centimetres more than me."

"Why are you telling me about this now? It's not the right time to talk about something trivial like that, right?"

Dayu laughed. "I just wanted to say it to you. At that time, I had this very passionate feeling to defeat you, so I did my best to make myself grow taller. Even though those efforts were all in vain."


"Actually, at that time, I also knew by heart that I wouldn't be able to surpass you in term of height. But I insisted and did my best. So, right now... even though I knew it might be impossible for them to accept us, I will do my best to keep our relationship going."

Wang Qing laughed and hugged Dayu tightly.

"Dayu, Dayu... my beloved Dayu... in this crucial time, you've just remembered something stupid and strangely that made you enthusiastic."

"Let's go downstair. Your parents are waiting for us."

"I promise, whatever happens, I will always be with you."

"It's not the right time to say something cheesy like that."

Wang Qing pressed his lips on Dayu's for a few seconds before they finally went out of the room.

07:30 PM, Dinner Time

"What are you doing upstairs that took you so long to go down?" Wang Qing's mother was asking her son and landed a little punch on Wang Qing's arm.

"Nothing, Mom. We were just reminiscing our childhood time."

She looked at the both of them and suddenly feeling a bit melancholy. She remembered when little Dayu was helping her to make a cake for Wang Qing's birthday when he was only six years old. Those tiny hands tried to make a dough, but in the end it was a failed and he also ended up make a mess in the kitchen. At that time, she was laughing giddily at his attempt to make up for his mess by trying to sweep the floor, but of course he failed at that too. Those hands were too tiny to even hold the broom, let alone using it.

"Mom? Why are you smiling creepily?"

Wang Qing's mother smacked his head and forced him to sit down. "Come on, just sit down here. Dayu also, please sit down."

"Thank you, Auntie."

"Where is Dad?"

"He will be here soon. His friend was calling him just now."

Not long after, Wang Qing's father came in to the dining room and they officially started their dinner. Surprisingly, he was acting very normal. Like there's no problems at all between them. Wang Qing started to wonder what kind of play that his parents did this time. They looked so calm, and it made him confused. He expected some kind of awkward and chilling mood when they started to eat together. But it didn't feel like what he expected it to be.

Weird. What happened with my parents?

Wang Qing looked at Dayu at his side. Dayu also seemed okay.



Wang Qing stopped his hand movement and put down his chopsticks. "I know it's not appropriate to talk about this matter around the table."

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"By now, you must have understood that Dayu is a very important person to me. Though it may be unacceptable for Mom and Dad, but I will not change my decision to be with him."


Wang Qing inhaled deeply and said, "You have the right to be angry or even disowned me. I..."

"What do you mean by 'disowned me'?"

"If you and Mom feel ashamed to have a son like me, then..."

"If I want to do that, I won't be here having dinner with both of you."

Wang Qing, ".......??!!"

to be continued

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