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Alexis's Pov

I'm missing Odell right about now.. he's still an NFL player and has these games that cause him to not be with us, usually for the weekends. I get it though, he has to do what he has to do and he can't keep taking time off, he's got a career to worry about. I obviously can't be with him because we have our three month old daughter in the hospital and I have to go see her everyday.

They won't release her because she is still small and cannot breath on her own. She still needs a lot of medical supervision but I've been assured that she's doing just fine. However the day that we can take her home isn't even up for discussion yet so I can't even say anything.

I just got home from the hospital and my babies are here with the nanny. "Hey guys.." I say as I hug them and give them all a kiss.

"How's Carter?" Sonny asks. "Oh your sister is doing great.." I say. "When will she come home?" Kenzie asks me. "Uhm I don't know, it's going to be soon though." I say. You can't really explain to a seven and eight year old that the baby isn't healthy, it just hurts them. It's been eating me alive and I don't want them to carry those burdens with them.

I wish Odell was here with me because he eases my anxiety about Carter. He also helps me manage my time so i don't feel like Im spending to much time with one of the kids. Its hard because I want to be with Carter because she needs me right now but three other children need me, their mother and it's always going to be hard to divide my time.

I called Odell once I got everyone down for bed and it was the most relaxed I've been all day. I think Odell just has that effect on me. "hey lex, are they still awake?" he asks me. "nope, sorry babe I just got them all down." i reply. "damnit, I really should take time off I haven't talked to my kids at all today." he says. "no, stop i told them that you love them...they know you're busy babe, if i have to i'll be a stay home mom if it means you doing what you love.." i say because I'm highly against Odell quitting football. He'll say he's fine and then he'll blame me and the kids and he'll regret it forever. My dad went down this road and its tough, and its ugly especially for us the family and I refuse to be responsible for the reason another superstar gives up his passion.

"why not Lex? I've been giving it a lot of thought and I want to do this, I want to be with you, I wan to be with the kids, and i can't when I'm on the road hours away." he says. "Odell stop, you say this now but you will hate me forever if I let you do this, I've already been through with my dad Odell.." i say to him. "Lex.." he says. "We can talk in person, I just want to be on the phone with you now." I say. "Okay, hows Carter?" he asks. "she's stable...not better, but not worse." i say. "I want to come home." Odell says. "you'll be home tomorrow night.." I say. "yeah but its going to be at like 3am everyone is going to be asleep, Lex I don't want to be away from you." he says. "Odell stop...you're just shaken up. I want you to come home more than anything but football makes you happy...you think I don't know how you forget all about me and all of your problems when you're on the field?" I say to him because I know that football is everything to him and he can say otherwise but I know him.

"I love you, you know that?" he says. However before I can reply I hear a noise from downstairs. I listen closely and I wait to see if I hear it again and it sounds like something moving, walking almost. "babe..?" Odell says. "uhh..I heard a noise.." I barely croak out. "give me a second, i'll check if anything of the doors or windows have been open..." he says. After like five seconds he says that they are all intact based on his home security app. "go check if one of the kids is sleep walking..." Odell says. "uhm..okay" I say as a familiar fear fills my body. I get off my bed and I grab a vase off one of the tables in our room and i walk to the hallway to inspect the house. Upstairs seems to be clear so I go downstairs and I slowly inch my way off the stairs and when I'm finally off I feel someone or something grab me.

I immediately drop the vase and I can't scream because I feel my body lock up in fear. "Hey princess." I hear the voice of my husband and I almost die of relief. "don't ever do that to me again.." I say as I push him away and wipe my eyes because I'm somehow tearing up. "I'm sorry babe I wanted to surprise you.." he says as he engulfs me in a hug. I wipe my eyes as he hugs me and the only thing I'm feeling right now is relief. "Are you alright?" he asks me. I nod because I am still in shock so I can't form words.

"Why are you here?" I ask him as soon as I am able to bring down my heart beat to a steady pace. "Coach said the event we had tomorrow wasn't mandatory so I took the first flight out to get back home." Odell says. "Well I'm happy you're home." I say as I hug my man. "I missed you.." he says as he leans down to kiss me. I stand on my tippy toes and give him a quick peck. "bed...now!" I say to him breaking our kiss.


"Good morning.." I say as I rub my eyes and stretch out. I notice Odell is up already and he looks like he's been up for a while. "Hey, good morning." He smiles as he looks over at me. "Why hasn't any of our little munchkins showed up here yet?" I ask. "It's still pretty early." He replies.

He's sitting on the edge of the bed and I'm curious as to what he's been up to because he's not in his pajamas either. "You can go back to sleep I got them." He says to me. "No it's okay, but why are you up so early? You don't wake up early?" I ask him. "I woke up early so I could consult with my some people." He replies. "Consult about what?" I ask him.

"Just weighing my options for taking a break from football based on my contract and such." Odell replies. "Wait what?" I say as I sit up. "What Alexis?" He asks me.

"We already discussed this and I thought we agreed that you are not taking a break!" I say to him. "No you reached that conclusion on your own, Lex no disrespect to your dad but me and him are different men whatever problems he had going on, I do not have those problems this is something that I want to do, something that calls out to me.

"Odell, you say that now but I saw the life drained out of a man because he wasn't doing what he love. I just want you to be happy, I just want you to have your chance.." I say. "I get it babe, but my heart ain't out there, my heart is here with you, with these children and I'm tired of hearing about they lives I want to be here.."

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