- Easy Place -

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Rains visibly spring and continue to pour - a reflection of what your eyes can see. The sounding breeze of rhythm stayed as it rings inside your soul.

Then your heart ask why it is a good day for you? Where in the sun can never be seen and clouds covered the sky. You said it is the time and moment you're at ease.

The time where you can hear your own heart. Talking to you with sincerity - giving you answers you desperately seek. Watching a short story unfold before your eyes. The water that travels to heaven and came back down where it belongs. The heights of the place where you want to be, only to know the place you entirely belonged is where it started.

You don't need to look far. You don't need to analyze hard. You don't need to use your strength. So stop searching.

Where you are standing now, where your heart beating at this moment, where your solitary soul remains is the shell you've been since you were born. There was no other easy place to find yourself.

"It's within you."

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