Pickup Line Horror

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It's Friday... and to say I'm scared is an understatement but to say I'm excited is also an understatement. I've been on edge all day. I'm going to see my brothers after a year. It's been a year. I haven't told anyone and I keep rereading the email. It's lunch currently and I'm sitting with Kate and some of our other friends Briana, Toby, Summer and Rick. I quietly eat my lunch thinking abkut possibilities for later. I'm eating school pizza. The pizza is okay because there's no such thing as bad pizza. For tonight what if he lied just to get me there? Maybe Pat really is dead. Maybe they will kidnap me? Maybe we will have a really nice convo and they will come home! Maybe I should call the police make them come home. No I can't do that. They will be really pissed and never forgive me. But either way tonight I'm going to see my brothers. Both of them. What if they forget? What if...
"Liz!" Kate snaps her fingers in front of my face.
"Huh?" I look at her and at my other friends staring at me.
"Are you in for the movies tonight?" She asks.
"Um no sorry." I mumble.
"Why not?" Toby questions.
"I'm busy."
"No you're not you're never busy!" Briana chuckles.
"Actually I am."
"Oh really what are you doing?"  Rick rolls his eyes.
"I uh can't tell you."
"Ooh a secret tell us!" Summer squeals.
"No." Kate gives me a pointed look. She grabs my hand and pulls me up taking me away from the table out the cafeteria into the empty hallway.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"I can't say. I have been told not to."
"By who?" She knows I can't lie. I haven't told one lie. She sees right through me when I do.
"Uh a person?"
"Tell me. Even if you've been told not to. You can trust me I won't tell a soul."
"But what if it's kinda crazy and bad." Kate thinks for a second.
"It can't be that bad. Please don't tell me you're selling drugs. If it's not that it ain't that bad." She shrugs. I take a deep breath. I'm not getting out of this. I have to tell her.
"I... I heard from Ph...." the bell rings saving me.
"Bye!" I yell and run towards my class.
"Liz!" She yells after me but I turn the corner and I'm gone. I look back to see if she's chasing me but she isn't. Maybe she knows what I said? I suddenly bump into a hard and warm wall. I start fumbling backwards ready for the fall but instead I feel hands pulling me up. I open my eyes and see Dylan smirk. He grabs my waist and dips me down I shriek.
"If you're feeling down," Dylan starts and pulls me back on my feet, " I can feel you up." He winks and walks away.
"Uh thanks?" I yell towards him.
"I got your back hot-mama!" He turns and salutes me.
"Hey don't call me that!" I blush slightly.
"Alright then button!" He smiles and walks off. Button? What a weirdo. I laugh to myself and walk to math. I take my seat in the back of class and wait for class to begin. The bells rings and I sigh pulling out my homework.
"I'm going to check your homework now." The teacher announces and starts walking to each table checking to see if the homework was done. All the sudden the door flies open and in comes Dylan. He smiles at me and starts making his way towards the open seat next to me. Oh crap. He smiles at me before sitting down.
"Glad you could join us." The teacher groans and continues checking homework. The teacher checks our homework then goes on to our lesson.
"Okay now write out these problems and work on them with your partner." The teacher announces I growl internally and face Dylan.
"Okay so this problem X+U=25." Dylan smiles. I go look for it on the board but it isn't there. It sounds too easy to be ours.
"That's not on the board." I stare at him.
"Well Liz I was just thinking of this problem and I thought 15 must be x because U are definitely a 10." He smirks as a light shade of pink flush over my cheeks.
"So do you like water?" Dylan smiles mischievously.
"Uh yah?"
"Well that's good cause that means you already like 70% of me."
"Dylan!" I smack his arm and he laughs.
"Girl are you a mirror? Because I can see myself inside you." My eyes widen in embarrassment.
"Is your dad a baker? Because you have sweet buns."
"Dylan." He smirks and leans over to whisper in my ear. I tense as he takes a breath, " want to know what's big?" I pull my head away and look at him.
"Dylan don't you dare say it."
"My house. My house is big." My cheeks redden in embarrassment. I look at him and his eyes sparkle with amusement. I sigh and turn to work on my math.
"Liz." Dylan whispers. I ignore him and keep working.
"Liz." He whispers again.
"What?" I grumble turning to look at him. He's giving puppy eyes and looks totally adorable.
"Well I was just gonna ask if you had a map?" He says quietly. Then smirks "because in getting lost in your eyes." I smirk back at him.
"Uh sorry no map. So why don't you just get lost?" His eyes widen at my comeback and before he can say anything the bell rings saving me for the second time today.
"Button! Wait! One more question! Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" I turn to look at him.
"Well no but I did scrape my knees crawling out of hell." I smirk and walk away.

The rest of the day is boring I go to my classes and Dylan was in another one besides math. He was in my history class too. So I head home avoiding Kate and ignoring everyone's texts and calls.
"Hey honey you're home!" I smile at my mom.
"Yah! Where's dad?"
"Oh he's still away on business looking for a job. I'm going to have to look for a job if he doesn't find one today." She sighs.
"How was school? Want a cookie? I made cookies!" I thought it smelled good in here today.
"Yah sure!! And school was fine. This guy started saying pick up lines to me." I laugh.
"Did you shut any down?" She smiles.
"Yes it was very funny." I laugh as I bite into the frosted sugar cookie.
"Good for you." She smiles. Her phone suddenly rings and she answers it walking out of the kitchen.
"Hello? Yes this is she. You what? Are yo I serious? When? Uh huh. Oh thank god. Thank you! Yah I'll be there. Okay bye!" I hear my mom say into the phone. She comes back in smiling.
"What is it?"
"Phillip Hall last seen 3 hours out of San Diego." She smiles.
"What!" My eyes widen with disbelief.
"So he's 3 hours away like!!" I ask astonished. It must be a risk for them to come back. My mom smiles with tears in her eyes.
"I'm heading towards the station." She smiles and heads towards the door.
"Alright bye!" I wave and head to the couch flipping to the new channel.
"Phillip Hall now 18 was last seen 3 hours out of San Diego. He has been missing for over a year. Police think he may be coming home for something. Please everyone be on the look out for this young man." The news lady says. Seeing his face makes me cry. I start to choke on my tears.
"I'll see you soon." I whisper.
"Here is the security footage of Phillip Hall buying not one but two drinks from Starbucks." The lady announces and the tv turns to some video. I see the back of my brothers head as he faces the cashier. He pulls it cash paying for it and he turns. We see the side of his face as he goes and stands by the pick up counter. He pulls out a small flip phone and starts to type something maybe a text. Suddenly he turns so we can see his whole face. I see the scar above his right eye.
"Pat!" I yell. That's Pat. He is alive. Phil wasn't lying! I instantly pull out my phone and call Kate even though I told myself not to tell her. She picks up by the 2nd ring.
"Kate oh my god! I'm so fucking happy right now!! Have you seen the news?? Have you seen the security footage??" I practically scream into the phone.
"Uh no" I can just imagine the look of confusion on her face.
"He's alive! Pat is alive! They caught him on video and think it's Phil!!"
"What?! Are you sure? Oh my god that's amazing!! That's what you are doing tonight aren't you!" She knows me too well.
"Yes." I cry happy tears now.
"We'll be careful and have fun!" She says.
"Yah I got to go talk later bye!" She says and hangs up. Well then. I sigh and go upstairs to lounge until tonight.

I have to leave in 15 minutes. It's 9:30. My mom came home around 20 minutes ago. She called me earlier telling me I'm on my own for dinner. We haven't heard from my dad but my mom seems to be in this shock. She isn't saying much she came home said hi and went to her room. I don't think she knows it Pat but she might. I am dressed in all black. I don't want to wait any longer. I decide I should go now. I walk over to my moms room and knock on her door.
"I'm going over to Kate's. The group is having a sleep over." I lie.
"Alright have fun." She says through the door and I smile running down the stairs I go grab 6 cookies , pepper spray, my keys and my phone. We each get 2 cookies. I grabbed pepper spray because I'm going to be at the park by myself in the dark for a bit. Then I run out the door. I start my car and head towards the park. It's the neighbor hood park we used to go to as kids. I park around the corner from the park and start walking towards the park. It's dark and I can only see small shadows of trees. It's not super cold but cold enough for a small sweater. I have my pepper spray in my hand slightly scared of being mugged. We live in a very safe neighborhood but you never know. I slowly walk up to the swings and sit down. I swing a little listening to the squeak of the old swing set. After 6 minutes I see a shadow approaching me. My breath hitches and I quickly find the pepper spray from my pocket ready to spray.
"Hello?" My voice shakes.
"Pumpkin? Is that you?" A male voice asks.
"Pumpkin! Behind you!" Phil yells. I feel hands touch my shoulders and I scream spraying the pepper spray into the muggers eyes.
"Damn Lizzy that's a great way to greet your brother from the dead!" Pat whines.

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