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Lets know lonelines but in weird leon:guys tommorow is the prom night jessica:yeah jean:im not comming leon/jessica:WHAT!! jean: is because there is a girl name emmy that is the loneliess person in school jessica:so what jean: well....she is kind of my crush jessica/leon:O M G!!!:-O jean: cut it out i kind of love her 34% leon:thats rushed she is now walking weridly jean:what!....ahhhhhhh....hey girl lonely:my name is lonely not girl wanna go to the prom with me lonely:i will never ever go to the prom or light jean:why lonely: is because i hate you leave me alone Jean:fine...i will leave you alone  THEN THE BELL SUDENLY RING IT MEANS GO TO CLASS JEAN'S section is grade 9 third year section 3 leon and jessica are section 5 jean:rocky rocky:why jean:do you have date in the prom?rocky:ahhh....nope jean:u have a problem rocky:well i want my date to be in the prom is lily have a crush on her rocky:maybe.......nope jean:what...t.naomi
EVERYBODY:GOOD MORNING T.NAOMI:everybody open your book at p.5 chapter 1 ....class do you have a date in the prom EVERYBODY:NOPE/YES how much is no 11 and yes 15 so the prom will be now is weird...EVERYBODY:WHY? T.NAOMI
:is because the prom will need 3 indivdual and 2 gruops so i hope

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