I was in complete darkness. There was nothing. I couldnt see anything. so whats ba better way to pass time than to think about whats been happening? Who were those people? Why did they pretend to be my parents? Where are my parents? What happened to those people? Who was that girl? Oh that girl. What did she look like again? Hmm I think she was a blonde. No she was a brunete. How do I get those two mixed up? She was pretty but kind of scary. She looked mad.Maybe someone took her phone and ran. No. Why would the vehicle crash and tip over if it was just her phone? I dont know. But her eyes looked cool. They looked like they were made of two different colors at once. I think it was blue like the ocean and a gold that looked like it had green, deep green like the feilds on this moutain I had once seen as a kid. I think I was 5, was I? Concidering I remembered what she had looked like. On another topic now. Why do I feel like im moving? I just noticed how long this has been going on for. I try to open my eyes. When suddenly I cant think or hear anything. For what seems like a long period of time. I finally wake up in a white room that is bliding me. I gavemy eyes time to adjust. I finally get out of what feels like the most comfortable bed ive ever felt. I look around and ask myself. What's going on?