Chapter 14

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And just like that, he slowly walked into the back room with you following closely behind.


"Take these" Chucky told you, tossing black thread behind his back. You clumsily caught it.

The killer toy was trashing the storage room as he searched from top to bottom. He wasn't going to find any genuine equipment that was created especially for surgery and first aid- not in a DIY shop- so he was collecting the next best things. Currently, he was rummaging through a wooden crate.

"What're you looking for?" You asked, walking over to him, "I can help you if you want."

"I need some sewing needles and masking or duct tape." He said. Then he pointed with his free hand to some boxes that were on a higher shelf. "You can start by looking through them boxes. I can't reach 'em."

You nodded and reached up to the box, pulling it off the shelf. It was heavier than you thought, but you managed to set it down on the ground without making to much noise. There wasn't much useful in the box- only glue sticks and sharpies. So you repeated the process with other boxes while Chucky searched through the boxes that were already on the ground.

Eventually you found boxes of tape; Masking tape, duct tape, labels, and double sided tape. You picked up the duct tape and held it out to Chucky who was at your side.
"Will this do?" You questioned. Chucky's blue eyes shifted to look at what you had found.

"Yeah, that's fine." He consented, then lifting his own hand up towards you. In it was baby wipes and a packet of sewing needles. "I got the rest. Now let's get the fuck outta reeks of death."

With that, the both of you walked along out of the shop, avoiding the dead cashiers body, and making your way back to the car. You and Chucky hopped into your seats, and you started up the engine.
"So, what's the plan?" You asked. At this point, you were just going with the flow. There was no turning back.

Chucky stared out the window in deep thought until he mustered up an idea. "I know an old house where we can stay the night. You can patch me up there, and there ain't nobody to fuck things up. It's been abandoned for years."

You perked a brow up at a question that has been poking in your mind for quite a while. "Hey Chucky." You called, "how come you know everything in this area so well? You even know where all the old buildings are."

"That's because I used to live here. This is my hometown, Lakeshore. Well, it was before I lost everything to this stupid voodoo crap." He explained, surprisingly open about the whole thing. You clicked your tongue in thought.

"Oh, that explains a lot." You commented, hinting that the edgy and quite shady town made him the way he is. He caught on quicker than you had expected, snarling in fustration.

"Shut up, you cracker-ass"

You smiled at his stupid insults, steering the car out of the parking lot and onto the one way street. Everything was pretty silent then, except when Chucky would give you directions on the road. You closely followed them as he pointed and explained, so it didn't take that long before you reached the destination.

And damn, was it run down. Worse that the shop. The place was made out of wood, so it wasn't a surprise that it was rotting beyond repair and quite dangerous looking. However, the windows and door was in pretty good shape, with only a small crack in one of the glass panes. You wearily stepped out of the car, frowning at the old house. Chucky, on the other hand, jumped out enthusiastically with sparkling eyes and a wide smile.

The two of you made your way up the small set of steps and towards the door. You reached out to the handle and turned it, but the door wouldn't budge. Gripping the handle, you tried again, this time with more force, but to no avail.

"Locked" you grumbled lowly, looking over to Chucky who was smiling like a maniac. "What're you so happy about?"

Without a word, he reached into his overalls and pulled out what looked to be a key, though it was covered in rust. Still smiling, he reached up on his tippy-toes towards the lock and inserted the key, forcefully twisting it. Nothing happened, so he muttered 'c'mon baby' and pulled it across even harder. You were about to tell him to stop straining himself on something that wouldn't work...but then it actually worked. The door creaked open with Chucky smiling proudly.

"How did you...?"

Chucky stood in the doorway proudly as the wrecked, dirty inside of the house was revealed by the open door. "Welcome, (Y/N), to my humble home!"

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