Chapter 2

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Harry's POV.

"Mr. Tomlinson? I'm Dr.Styles and I'll be your counsellor through this program. Now let's talk about why you're here"

The man in front of me seems to be the exact opposite of half the people in here. Though he is stuttering slightly

"T-there's nothing majorly wrong with me. My boyfriend wanted me to.come here to clear up some of my depression and things"

I nodded slightly jotting down notes on my clipboard as he spoke.

"What kind of things, Mr. Tomlinson?"

I peek up at his small figure engulfed by the bed. As soon as the words leave my mouth I feel guilty. He shrinks back and picks at a hole in his sweater sleeve.

"W-well sometimes when I get really upset I hurt myself.. but sometimes I don't mean to"

he rushes the words out like a small child who just got caught doing something wrong. I sigh quietly, of course he's a self harmer. I'm always stuck with them. It almost sickens me just the thought of it, but of course that's why I became a counsellor, to help people that have these sicknesses. Tucking the pen back onto my clipboard I nod quickly and put on the best smile I can manage.

"Well no worries Mr.Tomlinson, we'll get you the help you need"

after watching him attempt a small smile back, I exit the room and groan audibly. I walk back to my office and lay my head against the wall hoping to erase the image of the small man from the last room brain.

"What's the matter mate?"

I jump as my friend zayn allows himself in and sits on my desk. I just shake my head.

"I get all the patients that freak me out the most" I let the small whine leave my lips. He just chuckles and shakes his head.

"I'll trade ya, I'll take yours if you take the one who will attempt to throw up every five minutes"

I shake my head quickly knowing exactly who he means.

"No thanks, I'm good man".

He smirks and punches my shoulder lightly

"Exactly, hey isn't your new patient the little one that checked himself in?"

I simply nod, too exhausted to speak.

"Well he's cute"

Zayn laughs to himself. Rolling my eyes I give his shoulder a slight shove

"You think everyone's cute, now get back to work, nimrod."

he takes off down the hall laughing, causing a contagious smile to take over my lips. That man I swear. Just as I'm about to turn back into my office I feel my shoulder being grabbed.

"Dr. Styles?"

the small nurse turns my attention to her. I look down at her unable to ask what she wants before she's speaking again rather panicked.

"There's an issue in room 311"

Room 311.. that's.. that's the new guy. How could he have gotten into trouble already?

"Okay, I'll go check it out"

Well just great, something tells me this twelve weeks isn't going to be easy.

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