Invisible, unclear tommorrow

105 22 22

We pass thru roads both wide and narrow
in anticipation of invisible,unclear tommorrow.

With thoughts aroused due to overflowing hopes,
we break free from all the ties and ropes.

Blurred images shine in morning light,
while vivid dreams blossom in night.

Confused of what future holds,
we make stories untold.

We wonder and ponder,
about here and after.

we may thrive,survive,
retrieve & revive.

We may fall, we may break,
We may fake, we may make.

We may fail or nail.
We may sink or sail.

Its either we avail or bail,
without knowing the end, we live this tale.

We pass thru roads both wide and narrow
in anticipation of invisible,unclear tommorrow.

Love ayesha~ ☺

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