Sirius Black's daughter

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Name: Rachel Alexis Black

Age: 13 at the beginning

House: Gryffindor

Animagus: Black dog like her dad (could be mistaken for the Grim)

Hobbies: Pranking, quidditch, hanging out with the Maraudettes, working out, dancing and playing, the guitar.

Favourite subject: Transfiguration

Nickname: Paws

Hates: People touching her hair, Slytherins and Homework


Name: Chloe Lily Potter

Age: 13 at the beginning

House: Gryffindor

Animagus: Doe

Hobbies: Pranking, quidditch, hanging out with the Maraudettes, dancing, singing andworking out.

Favourite subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts (D.A.D.A)

Nickname: Fawn

Hates: Bullies and Slytherins


Name: Selena Charlotte Lupin

Age: 13 at the beginning

House: Gryffindor

Animagus: Werewolf

Hobbies: Reading, pranking, drawing, playing bass and working out.

Favourite subject: Charms

Nickname: Luna

Hates: The full moon and Slytherins

Sirius Black's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now