Bang me, Deidara~

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A/n this'll be the only part unless someone requests something, so go ahead and request. I can look at this pic all day. Enjoy~

Your pov
Deidara and I are going back to the base after our latest mission for Pain-sama. I've been recruited for some time now, but everyone had a partner. Making me wait until someone died, or I get killed. Of course, I choose to wait. I waited for a long time, but I'm finally back together with Deidara.
Oh, I didn't mention how Deidara and I met. Well, we technically didn't meet. I mostly watched him from afar, I never dared approach him in fear of embarrassment. We are both from Iwagakure, which is why I know about him. I admit that I have a tiny crush on him.
Scratch that. It's a HUGE crush. I'd never show it, I'm too scared on what his response will be. It'll be something negative I'm sure. Maybe rejection, or he'll tell everyone at the base. No ending I think of will work out, but I'm content with just being by his side.
Once we arrived at the base, we immediately went to Pain-sama's office. We gave our report and walked back to our rooms. Our rooms are right across from each other's, so that's a plus on my side. "Hey, (Y/n). Wanna come and help me make some sculptures, un?"

"Sure," I gave him a gentle smile, whilst unintentionally blushing.

On the outside, I was perfectly cool, calm, and collected. On the inside though, I was fangirling to the max. 'Oh... my.... God. He invited me in his room!! And to help him!!!! I don't think my heart can take this!' See? I told you.
He opened the door and waltzed inside. I timidly followed closely behind him. We made our way to his workbench, and we sat on his stools. He brought out his clay and began to creat his sculptures. I picked up a small hand full of clay and began to make (f/a) (favorite animal).
After several exhausting, but enjoyable hours; we finished making multiple arrays of clay creature creations. I stood up so I could take a (f/a) sculpture I made back to my room. That was, until I tripped on my own two feet like a klutz. The explosive creation flew put of my hands and destroyed the wall right of the door. That room belonged to Hidan. "MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" Hidan shouted enraged.

I froze and panicked on the inside. Deidara decided to be calmer than me and figured we should run. He grabbed my arm, pulled me up, and started to run while practically dragging me. He ran out of his room with an infuriated Hidan quickly behind us. "I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!!"

I turned around to see Hidan burned in multiple places, his clothes were scorched badly. My head snapped forward as Deidara started making turns. He ran towards the exit of the base, and I hurried to keep up with his pace. We made it outside, and he made a beeline towards the woods. We managed to go extraordinarily deep into the woods and far away from Hidan.
Deidara snuck behind me and covered my mouth with his hand, his other snaked around my waist. We were pretty deep into the woods, so I don't think Hidan can find us. Hell, I don't think anyone can find us out here. Deidara continued to look around, examining every little thing that moved. We stayed in this position until it was getting slightly more difficult to breathe.
I tried desperately to pry his hands off, but it was futile. My figure squirmed and twist under his strong grasp. This was way too close. I wanted to get away, but at the same time, I wanted to be even closer to him. In an idiotic attempt to get away, I licked his hand to get it off of my mouth.
That's where I fucked up. Big time. The mouth on his hand responded differently than I thought. Instead of pulling his hand away, the mouth opened and forced its way into my mouth. I was shocked to say the least, and I yelped. "Be quiet, he might hear you if you're so loud, un."

Deidara didn't even notice that his tongue was practically having a war with mine. My tongue was struggling to win, but in the end, he won. He explored every inch of my wet cavern. I had to admit, I was enjoying this. His arm wrapped around my waist, his tongue battling mine.
Soon, I melted under his touch, and let it happen. I let out a slight moan that was louder than I hoped. His tongue stopped and stayed in my mouth. He stared at me as if I was a strange creature. He blushed slightly and opened his mouth. "What- what was that?"

I'll Be Your Art, If You Bang Me~ {Deidara x reader one-shot lemon}Where stories live. Discover now