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Liam's P.O.V

"Race you there!" Hailey yelled getting a head start to the park.

We run to the park Hailey beating me.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner" Hailey says in a cute gps voice. I laugh at her.

"Yes. Yes you did babe" I say hugging her. She smiles brightly at me whilst wrapping her arms around me.

We pull away sitting on the swings.

It started raining really hard. We walked here and it's a long way home.

"Hey Hailey?" I ask her. She just turns her attention to me.

"Why did we even come to the park?" I ask her laughing.

"I don't know. I just miss it I guess" Hailey says shrugging. She swings on the swing and let me tell you. She looks beautiful wet.

"Let's go somewhere that's not raining like...over there!" I suggest pointing to a little ice cream shack.

"You just want ice cream" Hailey says poking my nose and giggling.

"Yeah I do. But it's also not raining there" I say getting off my swing. I put my hand out for her. She smiles at me taking my hand. I pull her up dragging her to the shack.

"Do you want anything?" I ask Hailey.

"No" Hailey replies.

I order my ice cream getting it second later. I pay for my ice cream and wait for the rain to stop. It goes on for what seems like hours before stopping.

We start walking back to the house hand in hand.

We get back to Haileys house.

"Bye Li" she says to me.

"Bye babe" I kiss her softly on the lips.

Hailey walks into her house leaving me outside. I sigh knowing now I have to go to the secret agency. I wish I could be with Hailey. I hate lieing to her when she asks me to come over when I have to go to the agency. But it's to keep her safe. I'd do anything to keep Hailey safe. Even if it's risking my own life. If I had to kill myself to keep her safe I'd do it. If I had to break up with her to keep her safe...I don't know if I'd do that. That'd be the hardest decision to make in my life. She doesn't know about fight club, she doesn't know about any of my second life. Which is being a bad guy. I don't want her to know about it cause she might leave me. Hailey is the best thing has has ever happened to me.

*at the agency*

I walk in the front door of the place that seems like a normal store. The agency people work at the store. I walk up to one of the walls. A little key pad is hidden. I find it then punch in my numbers. It opens and I walk down the stairs.

I walk down a long hallway before going up the stairs again.

"It's about time your here Liam" Jesy says behind me.

"Shut up" I tell her.

"There's a meeting in the main office so get there now. And after it Ed wants to talk to you" Jesy tells me. I nod then walk to the main office.

I walk in and everyone looks at me.

"Your late" Ashton says annoyed.

"Sorry. I was with Hailey and it started pouring. I guess I last track of time" I explain.

"Whatever. Take a seat" Ashton tells me pointing to my empty seat.

I sit down awkwardly looking at Ashton. He begins talking about whatever it is. But my mind is on Hailey.

Hailey has a perfect body. She's not too skinny and not to fat. She's just in the middle. Hailey has dirty blonde hair. It has nice small curls but she straightness it a lot. She has green eyes and I just love her so much.

The meeting is finally done. I rush out of the room looking for Jesy. I find her then run up to her.

"Your supposed to be talking to Ed" she says.

"I know I know. You were at the meeting right?"


"What was Ashton talking about? I wasn't paying attention. My mind was on Hailey"

She laughs at me.

"He was talking about Chris, Matt, and Jason" she explains.

"Ok thanks Jess!" I run towards Ed's office.

I knock on the door and get a "come in!" But sounds more like a "cm in"

I walk in the room and Ed is eating. Well that explains the "cm in".

"What did you want?" I ask trying to sound polite but sounds more annoyed.

"We want to promote you to a higher agent. Where you can actually go to different places to solve different mysteries. You don't always have to take the mission at the higher agent. But you will get asked to protect a lot of things, fight different people, more fight clubs, more training" Ed explains.

"Oh ok. Yeah ok. I'll take it" I tell him.

"Great! Oh and different work hours where you need to be here. Some meetings you don't have to go to. The important ones you really need to go to and PAY ATTENTION to them" Ed carries on.

"Ok got it. I understand that my job is important" I tell Ed.

"Ok. Your free to go now"

I exit the room quickly wanting to go home.

I leave the place and run all the way to Haileys.



YAY! Another book! You guys are all so supportive.

I think I'm really gonna be happy with this book :)

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