Chapter 2 ~School

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Edens POV
It was Wednesday today one more day to let the girls know what they need because I can't let them know on Friday it would be too late notice, I went down stairs and got my shoes on and took my little brother Harvey to breakfast club at his primary school and went to meet Maddie by the park ready to walk to school. I was about 5 minutes away from the park when Maddie rang me,

(M~Maddie E~Eden)
M~ heyyyyy
E~ hiiiii
M~ edennnnn where are youuuuu
E~ I'm around the corner Mad won't be long now
M~ okayyyyyy see you in a min
E~ alright byeeee
M~ love yaaa
E~ yeah you too Mad

(End of phone call)

I went around the corner and I could see Maddie waiting by the park for me she looked like she had been waiting there a while, me and Maddie were closer to each other than anyone else in our little group so sometimes we wanted a bit of time to ourselves away from the other girls to chill and catch up on things that we didn't want the rest of them to know. We started to talk about Friday night and what we wanted to do~
M~ are me and the girls at yours this Friday?
E~ yeah but I don't know what we are going to do?
M~ what do you mean? Is something wrong? I can do it this week if you want?
E~ no no it's nothing like that, I don't know weather we should go the Aqua Disco at the water park or go and watch a movie but I'm not sure which movie.
M~ Aqua Disco all the way, we can always watch movies at yours when we get back and have a spa type night with face masks can't we?
E~ I was thinking the same thing about the spa night thing so that's a deffo yes an okay we will go the Aqua disco are you wearing a costume or bikini?
M~ I'm thinking bikini to be honest but it depends what you are wearing, I want to look grown up but I don't want to look that grown up if you know what I mean.
E~ I will wear mine if you wear yours and we can wear them matching ones we got the other week.
M~ yeah that's a good idea I'm alright with that.
The rest of the walk to school was silent but not an awkward silence we got to school about 5 minutes after that conversation and saw the rest of the girls at the tree where we always hang out break and dinner we walked to them and told them about the plans for Friday night and they all seemed happy with what I had planned and were going to wear bikinis too, I couldn't wait for Friday now. The bell went and we all walked to form we said by to the other 2 girls because They were in a different form to me and Maddie. Me and Maddie walked all the way to other side of the school and up the MFL stairs to our form and went in and sat down, all the boys kept looking at us, I think they were looking at Maddie but she said they were looking at me I didn't believe her though, I mean why should I Maddie and the girls are the only ones who call me beautiful but they are my friends so they are going to say that, my cousin is really beautiful though and people say that I look like her but I don't think I do I wish I did though she's every boys dream. The boys were whispering about something but I didn't know what they were whispering about and who they were whispering about but I wasn't that bothered school is there to make you learn and get good GCSE's not to go dating boys, we are in high school we don't know about love we don't even know what love is so I wasn't bothered about the boys whispering however it was getting Maddie's attention but I don't understand why so I just rolled my eyes at her and tapper her shoulder and told her to stop trying to listen in to their conversations about what ever they were taking about. The only bit I was bothered about in this school is my boy best friend Leo, he hangs around with the popular boys but I didn't mind I can't choose his friends for him, I've known him since I was little my mum and his mum were friends in school and they have always been inseparable so I've been bought up to look at Leo like my brother so that's what I do I don't think of him as a best friend much anymore he's more like the twin brother I never had considering we were born in the same month and year just not the same day he's older than me by 2 days sadly but oh well he still acts like a child anyway so most people think I'm older oops sorry Leo but it's his own fault but he wouldn't be him if he wasn't like that and I love him for it, everyone thought we were dating when we first came to high school but soon realised that we were best friends he even sleeps over at my house sometimes, the bell rung signalling the end of form this is the start of one boring day, I love school and leading but it is boring at times especially when you haven't got any of your best friends with you for the first 2 hours, that's when school starts to drag and lessons start to feel like 20 hours long but as long as I get the work done in the time set I should be fine and not have any homework to do later on tonight role on break time when I can see the girls so I'm not surrounded by nothing but idiots.

A/n I need 2 girls for Eden other friends comment below or message me what you want your name to be and what you want to look like and if you want to be like Eden (interested in school and not boys) or Maddie (interested in both school and boys) or you can be the total opposite of Eden and just be interested in boys I don't mind but I need them ASAP because they are important for the next part of the story, many Thanks on a total different note I can't wait for next Wednesday I'm going to see YESLAD with a few of my friends for school and maybe meet YESLAD outside if they decided to come out but they said they would so I can't wait it feels like I've waited so long for this now I genuinely can't wait to see them they are such an inspiration to me I honestly think that I'm going to cry when I see them it means that much to me if I meet then it will be a dream come true 😝😜 ~Hollie xo

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