Happy,stressed,but still youtube obsessed.

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IM BACK! This is the second book to sad,depressed,youtube obsessed.... Cause yolo.

*Skylars POV*

"Me and my broken heart" I sang as I ended vid-con.

"Good bye guys!" I yelled as I ran back stage.

Kara was diagnosed with Leukemia a little over 3 months

. Ellie has been having a hard time letting it all sink in.

"Sky- I love you... you know that?" Connor said as I ran back stage.

"Well, I hope you do. or else I said yes for nothing" I said laughing a little.

"I'm so tired" I said as I laid down on the hotel room bed.

"Me too" Connor said laying on the couch.

"How do you think Ellie's doing" I said grabbing some coffee since we still had a meet-up to go to.

"I don't know, maybe she's ok. But maybes she's not" Connor said walking over to me.

"I love you, Sky"

"I know, you don't need to tell me every second of everyday"

"I know, but I want to" he said kissing me. <Aw😊>

"Well, we have a meet up to go to"

I said as we walked outside the hotel room.

"I want to go to the beach later" he said since it was only 4 in the afternoon.

"Sounds perfect" I said and we were off to the meet-up.

Happy,stressed,but still youtube obsessed.Where stories live. Discover now