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So a little story behind this me and my friend Aron we're texting and he needed to tell me something but wasn't getting to the point and I was watching this video☝️ and decided why not
D- now lets get to the point

A- uhh yeah I'm going home to Hungary tomorrow

D-to beat, Hungary!! 🇭🇺

A- 😱 you wouldn't dare

D-an email sent by my boyfriend

A- first, you still send emails and two, you have a BOYFRIEND!!!!😂😂

D- when I asked

A- what😂

D- for male first- born?

A- are you drunk!?

D- You are a depressed banana I met

A- waaa?!?

D- But before we get out of our club

A- OUR wait we have a club
A- omg Aron has a club 💁🏽‍♂️🕺🏽

D- mister president

A- ?? Just Aron ??

D- I want a man from you

A- wait what?!?!! Why?! Im a beautiful strong man

D- Recreation and forestry

A- huh?

D- However the internal combustion engine

A- are you sure your not drunk because your talking bullsh*t

D-once you have a soul

A- I have a soul!

D- you are acidic to win

A- true because I always win💁🏿‍♂️
( whaaaat??)

D- Flabby beer pathetic lot

A- don't know what that means but it's a cool sentence

D- and who is the rabbit

A- ????

D- anyway I am a man!

A- what!!!????

D- I have no pants

A- Jesus but some on

D- goodbye

A- so soon

D- Hi,I had to cut poverty in the school gymnasium

A- I have two things to say why are you texting like this and what are you on about

D-  Appendix dominating death

A- you are on about that, should I be worried

D- I hope it is a mistake to see

A- Diana love what are you on about

D- Currently I wish that I knew the method swimming

A- what?!?? Hold up what?!?

D- I really do!

A- okay should you - I gosh I don't even know


A- yeah me human

D-  We have a high water properly

A- Diana what's going on in your head!?

D- Have all the capabilities of a large hurricane

A- ???😰😰😰 wtf

D- 😂😂😂😂.  Lyric prank

A- excuse me this is not a song if so we're has the music taste gone

D- nooo google translate song I'll make a man out of you😂😂😂

A- omg omg 😂😂😂 good one

D- thank you💁🏼😂

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