Chapter 1: Expect the Unexpected

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-Fairy Tail, Magnolia, Fiore-

-Lucy's Pov-

  I sneezed a bit when I got dressed. I was wearing a new dress I had gotten a while back. It was tight around the chest area, and flowy around the skirt. It was a light pink, it was long sleeved, it had a baby blue bow in the middle. It was a silky dress, and it was beautiful. I decided to wear light make-up, it was my arrival after all. I called Lissana, using my new magic lacrima.

L- Hey, I am coming back!

Lis- Yay finally, I am also coming back from a job! We will have to catch up.

L-Okay! That sounds nice!

I ended the call, and slipped on my heels. I walked to the guild. It was loud as ever, but not for the reason it usually was. I saw a huge crowd of boys and girls. I walked to the bar "Welcome back Lucy!" Mira greeted me, she handed me a Strawberry milkshake, I thanked her silently and drank it. "So, um Mira what's the commotion about" I asked her, my head tilting in curiosity. "It's a new mage. Her name is Alexandria, she is a dragon slayer" I continued to drink my shake. So she's a slayer? Well that's a shocker. Not. It seems like there is more than meets the eye with this girl. I caught a glimpse of her, blonde hair and red eyes. The aura she was putting off was a dark one, maybe she was a shadow dragon slayer? Like Rogue? But he didn't put off a dark aura. Just what is she?

I heard breaking glass against the floor, and the next thing you know you hear screaming. "Ahh! Miss Alex who did this to you" wait what? She was surrounded by a group of people there is no way they couldn't see it. I smelled something weird. It was a potion, a control potion in fact. "Mira, a potion is being used!" I told her, she nodded her head in agreement. A potion is much like a charm spell, it cannot be used if the victim knows it is being used. It works like the charms, that had appeared when I first met Natsu. "Lucy did!" She pointed to where I was sitting, everyone turned to me. It was nearly impossible for me to hit her! A group was covering her! Mira sighed and pressed a button. Glass came down around me, her, and the bar. I gapsed "What is this" I asked Mira, "This is an unbreakable glass shield" she told me, "Master had me built one of these just in case one of the fights got out of hand again" she explained, I nodded my head, I walked over to her side of the bar. She and I escaped out the back door to go shopping.

-Time Skip the next day-

  I yawn, and stretched. I hop off my bed, and took a bath. It soothed me. I got out and got dressed in a salmon colored crop top, and a white skirt with my usual brown boots. I tied my hair up in pig tails, with white and pink bows. I yawned once more and made some pancakes. I ate them and brushed my teeth, I walked out of the bathroom. I walked to my front door and went out. I locked the door behind me, I walked out of the building and balanced on the side of the lake. "Be careful Miss Lucy!" one guy yelled, it felt odd I never knew their names. "Hey! What's your name?" I yelled out to them, "I'm James, and this is Carl" I looked at them, smiling (don't know their actual name lmao) "Nice names!" I yelled and ran off.

  Once I reached Fairy Tail, I knew something was off, everyone but Mira and Lis was glaring at me. Natsu went up and slapped me, I stood shocked. I knew it was because of the potion, so I didn't hold anything against him. I looked over at Alex smirking. She thinks I hate my guild, but in truth I don't. "Well Natsu, thanks for the wake-up call I guess" I shrugged and sat down on my seat. "Hey guys" I greeted them, the waved at me a bit, still in shock at what Natsu did. I just waved it off like nothing happened. "I will leave this guild forever!" I yelled suddenly "Good!", some people yelled "Yeah! You don't deserve to be apart of this guild weakling!!" Levy yelled. Tears welled up in my eyes, I said I wouldn't hold it against them, I didn't say it didn't hurt.

I hurriedly headed towards Master, just then, Alexandria slapped me. Now that I can hold against her, she held my chin. I pulled away from her "Don't touch you filthy mage! I will come back and once I do I will break your spell and bring you down." I glared at her while she just laughed. Let me just say it sounds like Ichyia choking on a cake piece heaving out of breath, while trying to one of his poses tied to a stick. To shorten it, it was an ugly laugh. (No offense Ichyia lovers.)

I escaped from Alexandria and went into his office. "Yes my child?" he said softly as I went in. "Sorry to disturb you master...but can you remove my mark and fake my death. I know it is a lot to ask of you and well you don't h-" he cut me off by removing my guild mark "I know Lucy, now go and get stronger!" He exclaimed happily. I nodded my head, grinning ear to ear tears streaming down my face. "Thank you...father" what I said shocked him, then he smiled and hugged me. In truth he was like a father to me in many ways.

I walked out of the guild, feeling a bit free and relieved. I continued my journey, through the forest. As I walk I notice someone, a male. He had red messy, but cute hair, he was a bit muscular from where I can tell. He turned around, I saw his golden eyes and his beautiful face. He then suddenly bowed to me "My queen, it has been too long." Wait whaaaaa????!!! He must've seen my confused look, because when he looked up he looked concerned. "Ahh you have lost you memories. I am Igneel, the head of you royal dragon army" My dragon army?My dragon army!! I swear I have heard of Igneel before, but from where. "Follow me, I will have Grandeeney restore your memories as our queen" He grabbed my hand, I blushed as we walked to some where. I hope I will still be the same Lucy as I was before. "Yes, you will be the same person. You will just gain your memories and your magic back and no I can't read your mind." It shocked me about how he was able to do that! I guess it was some weird dragon thing.

  We reached an open field part of the forest. I saw a women that looked like she could actually be Wendy's mother. The only difference was she had a darker shade of blue and green eyes. She looked at Igneel, "I see you have found her" She turned to me, "It has been to long my queen. Come sit down, Igneel has informed me of your situation. Call me Grandi." She pulled my towards a rock and sat me down. A lot has happened if you think about it.

  She put her hands on both sides of my head, mumbling words. I was in pain. A lot of images flew through my mind. I screamed out loud. She took her hands off my head, and nodded to Igneel where he picked me up bridal style. We went through some kind of portal thingy.

    What I saw was not what I imagined the dragon world to be. There was a lot of people in a huge town. There was a bright blue sky and grassy fields. On top of a mountain stood a grand castle. It was huge and massive. "Welcome to Dragon Land, this is the royal area, there is more areas around here for different dragons but this is in the center. It will take a few days for all of you memories to come to you. As well as you will need to learn your magic over again." He looked down at me as we walked through the town.

We journeyed to the castle, as we approached it, we were greeted by guards. "Hey, Igneel. Why is everyone in there human form?" I looked up at him, he looked down at me with his lovely golden eyes. "Well we couldn't use our magic while our queen was away. So we had to stay like this, anyways we are more comfortable like this though" he explained, my mouth my an 'o' to signal I got it, he chuckled a bit. It was cute. Wait WHAT?! No no, I love Natsu! I I?

  He opened the castle doors, and walked through. There was no words that could express the beauty of the inside of the castle. It had whit marble walls, and grand staircases. It had the most beautiful furniture and almost every thing was beautiful. He walked up three sets of stairs. until we reached a set of two golden doors. He pushed open the doors, and inside was the most massive and huge room I have ever seen in my life. It was beautiful, a king sized bed was on my left, with beautiful pink silk sheets and a heavy hot pink blanket. Pillows that matched the color of the sheets, one pillow stood out it was black with flames on it. Igneel seemed to notice me staring at it. "I um.. I will get that out of the way. I always had slept up here since you left, your scent soothed me." he looked away blushing, I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's alright, I guess I would've done the same" I told him, he looked at me curiously. I just then realized how close we were (she was sitting up in his arms). His nose almost touched mine, I could feel his breath on my lips. We stayed like that until someone coughed. It startled me and I jumped out of Igneel's arms and landed on my butt. "My queen I am so sorry!! I didn't mean to scare you." I pouted playfully, and then I smiled at Grandi. "It's alright, and just call me Lucy. We're friends." I got up and sat on the bed. I did realize how comfy it was when I was sitting down until I layed on it. Soon enough I was drifting off to sleep.

" dear Lucy" I heard a voice say, before I drifted off into sleep.


Word Count: 1821 (not counting these)

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