chapter 1 :the beginning....

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Mmmmmm kyungsoo signs as he called over by his farther(the clan master) and what FOR,! to go through the land to find a human to have for dinner.(KSPOV:as u can see they are no much like any vampire clan they are basically the most evil of all vampire clans they are three other ones but they call them wanta bee's) and before even going HAVEING to remind his farther AGAIN about his problem saying.. dad u do remember my problem right!? he exclaims! his father replied saying what problem? THE ONE WHERE IF I SMELL ONE SENTS OF HUMAN BLOOD I BLOOD LUST!! he exclaims yelling .then it hits his father's head as he say oh remembering oh so ya chanyeol,Chen, and lay are going to go get the human for dinner! sorry for waking u up kyungsoo. Kyungsoo signs

kyungsoo goes back to bed in his cage(KPOV if ur wondering why I live in a cage it is because of my problem to be honest I don't only blood lust for humans but also vamps some times but I can still play or get annyoned U can say with my brothers uless there blood Is exposed then no, I have a very agresive problems some call me evil but I'm just bad and don't really want to hurt anyone well *some times*) I Liad back in bed skelaons surrounding me from previous sex's I sign what now.-_-

(KSPOV) Then I here a creek from the door but it is just my annyoning brother chanyeol

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Then I here a creek from the door but it is just my annyoning brother chanyeol. Chanyeol came just to me dinner as I start to feel very unesay as my eyes start to crisom and my vangs start to grow from my dinners blood chanyoel can see so he hurried out and quickly put my food in the cage as I move fastly to my dinner and I bite the victoms neck, as I suck my vangs in the victims neck as I releaf cus I was so hungry! I sign after and start to eat the victims flus as I say my self why I'm in a cage I don't really act like a normal vampire nor think I am one after I'm done I put down the skelaton and open the door as I go the the dinning room my family still shocked I have already finshed ever sense I was 5 they they did this I open the fridge to get some warter trying to claim myself from the blood lust I just had and walk back to my cage as usual feeling lonely sometimes I'm so so lonely I grab girls and boy to play with (have sex with) but not to day. I sign and stare at the selling just thinking about what I'm going to do in life.

@well thanks for reading this is my first time writing a  story on wattpad and might be a little crusty but kai will pop up very soon telling how he lives well thanks for read ing and i will  be updating once a week cus school is comming up bot sometimes I might  do it on random day more than once a week if I have time and thanks again have a good day(👉-_-👉).

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