Beauty hurts

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Now I have to be honest about kai being half wolf is...adorable specially when he makes those sad doggy sounds and whatever, like for all my time living that was my weakness for Chen as he's the same as kai I just couldn't get mad at him. Like if kai was happy I could bet you if he was in his wolf form he'd be wagging his tail.

And you know I might've seem rough for the past few days especially to kai but i was hurt as well
              (Flash back)
Day uno:"kyungsoo kyungsoo look look" kai skipped to me steadily while there was a light pink, white, and peach butterfly perched on his noise. "What do you want kai" the sight of the bright colored butterfly made me frown i wasn't up for it today as kai neared me with the bright evil creature.

"Kyung~ it's a butterfly isn't it pretty" he said as he perched it on his finger trying to set it on my own. "Mmm" i grimaced disgusted what is he trying to do with that that..thing. As he got closer he set it on my finger and snap I crunched that evil thing in my bare hands.

"Kyung nooo you killed it"Kai frowned as I killed that thing "Kai why do you care for that worthless creature that evil thing is ugly those wings might fool you with their colors but look at it ugly face, long wicked tongue and horrible legs it's ugly U.G.L.Y kai"

Then I covered my mouth quickly I look up to see kai's lips trembling as tears brim the edges of his eyes "I can't believe you hyung " he called me hyung I didn't mean to be so right "you can't appreciate the only beauty it trys to express!" He shouts and runs away Maybe I did do wrong.

That was also the day kai didn't talk to me after the incident and when I saw chanyeol doing it with that bacon dude.

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Day dos:ya ya kai forgot about yesterday but was a little wary today"kyung~" he asked happily "yes kai" "I need to show you something" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the far end of the garden where we past Chen and xiumin snuggling in the grass.

He lead me to an ant hill oh no, as we approach it I tryed pulling back my wrist I hear kai groan frustrated and stop. "What's wrong kyung" he said as he roughly let go of my wrist "I don't want to see those evil ugly ants" I whispered yet again disgusted.

"You haven't even went to see them hyung" he snapped pulling my wrist roughly back into his hold he called me hyung again as we approach the ant hill I whimpered not hiss whimperd weird. "Kai let go it hurts" he snorts and rolls his eyes before he roughly lets go.

I look at my wrist and pout at the redis purple Mark he left and lower my head,kai looks at me and quickly says "hyung isn't it beautiful how they all work together to create this hill of dirt and they built it one by one"he says as he looks at me intensely.

"No kai it's uglyslap* Kai slapped me "I'm so done with you hyung" he turns away and walks away I fall to my knees and look into a puddle to see a small little ugly boy with doe eyes and plup busted lips with scratches all over his ugly face what caught my eye was the red slap stain on his right cheek. Wonder who that is

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Day after day dos:today kai ignored me at any cost I tryed to talk but no luck, I slump sadly into the larges halls I past sehun and luhan makeing out nice for them. As I halt in front of my room I nervously look around inside and sniff the air then sign in relief

Kai's not here. As you know we share the same room, I close the door and lock it I go to the bathroom and go to my secret cabinet I grab my pocket knif and slouch back into the room I slid into a dark corner and raise my wrist "kai's right I'm unbelievable"

I slit my wrist...i still feel bad "you know beauty hurts"I move to an upper part of my arm I want to cry so bad in till I'm dehydrated I cut deeply into my arm and a whimper escaped my mouth but vampires don't whimper they hiss weird. Blood flows out quickly as I let out a painful wail I then turn my head to the wall

Bang my head harshly in to it in till my head bleeds. As blood trickled down my head I let out another painful wail and snob uncontrollably I unconsciously grab the knif and slide it against my legs up to my thighs I can't think straight I can't breath.

As I move back and forth I try to breath as I drench in my own pool of blood I hear the door smash open I thought I cocked it, I see suho,lay, luhan, sehun,baek, chanyeol,and the others including kai I unconsciously raise my hands like a Baby as suho picks me up and pats my back so softly muttering "it's ok"

He rushes me out the room blood fills his arms and the air, next thing I know it's black
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And here i am in a white bed I slip out and immediately fall on to my weak legs what's wrong with me poor kai I hurt him and i had the audacity to blackout, before I crawl to the door it smashes open

"Kyungsoo my baby your awake! I'm so sorry"

"Kai!?" I made Grabby hands

Long update sorry for takeing so long I known its kaisoo so here is some KAISOO I hope I messed with ur feels what do think is up with kyungsoo
1026 words counted:) (smiles in success) here have a heart💓

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