Chapter Two

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Omg! 20+ reads! Thanks you guys so much for reading this story! Anyways enjoy chapter two!

Also don't forget to check out my new story that will be available soon called Lost Dreams!

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Previously on the Fate of the Order.

Jesse faints after the Nether Star is taken. Lukas is being a worry-wort. Her friends are super worried that it's something bad, but what would happen if it is?
And how's that for my first previously on blah blah blah. Enjoy the chapter.
"So. Why did Jesse faint all of a sudden?"I asked Ivor. He had been checking on her every now and then to figure out what's wrong and why she fainted. He looked up at me. "It's not exactly looking good."Ivor said gathering up his potions. "What's not looking good?"I asked him. Ivor stopped walking as he turned around to face me. "Because YOUR FRIEND HAS WITHER SICKNESS!"he yelled frustrated at me asking him. I gasped in shock as I struggled to find the words. "Ho-wha-huh."I said still struggling to find words. Ivor collected his potions once more and left the room, leaving me with Jesse. I stared at her, waiting for her to wake up. She had been unconscious for two days and we all started worrying a lot. I was extra careful not to wake her as I stepped closer to her body. "Hey Lukas."a voice called me. I turned around and sighed in relief. "I'm so glad it's just you Petra and not Axel."I said. Petra smirked and grinned as she saw me move closer to Jesse. She was beautiful just sleeping. I carelessly kiss her forehead as I walked out with Petra.

We walked back to the others, as they were sitting on the porch outside the front doors. Ivor was there too after scaring us again! "So its true then? Jesse has Wither Sickness?"Olivia asked me. I nodded as we all looked down. "Hopefully she gets better soon. We don't just need because she's our friend, but because she's our leader. And without her, we're not the Order."Petra explained. We all nodded in agreement.

"Hello there blonde guy."said a voice. We all looked at each other before looking back at the mysterious voice. "Who are you?"Axel said crossing his arms. "My name is not important. What is important is getting your friend better."said the voice coming out of the shadows. His eyes were pure white and he wore a blue shirt with purple pants along with brown hair. My eyes widen in realization as I looked at my friends and saw that they too had figured out the realization. "No way."I said. "Herobrine?"called a voice coming down the stairs. "Jesse?! You should be resting."I pleaded with my girlfriend. I really wished she was because I love her so much. "Lukas. I'm fine. Really, stop worrying about me."she said just barely speaking. Her voice was not as loud as it usually is, it was now more quiet almost like whispers.

"Hey, Jesse? How do you know Herobrine?"Petra asked Jesse. "I know him because he's my horrible Uncle."she said clearly not very happy about him being here and on the loose. "Wait, WHAT?!!!"we all shouted at Jesse. Ivor then gave her some water, which she gladly took and drank. She then thanked him. "He's my Uncle because he and my dad, Steve are brothers. My dad figured that if Herobrine knew about me, that he'd kill me. But since he is out and on the loose, only the child in the prophesy can stop him."Jesse explained.

"Okay so what prophesy?"I asked her. "The prophesy of Balance. Legend has it that one child born of both good and bad, dark and light, was supposed to be the most powerful. But as time went by, this child disappeared one day, and people have been trying to find the child born of harmony and balance."she said. "Wait a second, Jesse are you the child of balance?"Olivia asked Jesse as she once again nodded. "I am, but my parents took away my powers, so no one not even me could know who I was or what I could do."Jesse said once again explaining.

"So what now?"Petra asked us.
Omg! Guys this chapter is like 800 words! That's a new record for this book! Anyways.... guys wanna hear something funny that happened to me this morning?

Okay, so me and my brother were eating breakfast when I asked him "what do we wanna do today?" Because I seriously thought that today (Sunday) was Tuesday!! Then when I checked my iPad, it said Sunday. Only then did I realize I was so stupid that I forgot what day it was...!!!!!!

Also next chapter will be out soon I promise!! Any of you like how I put Herobrine along with Jesse's parents- Steve and Alex?????


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