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First, I just wanna say THANK YOUUU it hasn't even been a month since we reached 5k and now we've already reached 6k reads!! Crazy!

Yoongi's POV

What the heck did I just say? I'm jealous? Well, kind of, but I can't let her think I like her or anything.

"Yeah I am jealous. Jimin is mine!"
"Whoa, alright he was just a bit scared last night. Maybe you should take better care of your lil baby?"
"Aw, Jimin, you were scared?" I pinched his cheeks. So adorable.
"You can sleep with me tonight if you get scared again,"
He nodded his head and left.

"So what's the plan for today?" Na Rin asked.

"Can we go to that amusement park today? We've been at the beach for the last 2 days!" Joy complained.

"Sure! Let's get ready," and everyone went to their own rooms.

~30 mins later~

Jin's POV

I went to Na Rin's room to ask her a question. I knocked but no one answered. So I decided to just go in.
"Hey Na Rin... are you here?" And as soon as I said that a Na Rin in a towel came out of the Restroom.
We both literally just stared at each other in shock.
Not gonna lie I did eye her a little.

But before she could yell at me I ran out the room. My heart was racing. Because of the running but also because of her.

Another 30 minutes had passed and everyone was finally ready. I was kind of avoiding Na Rin after that incident. And it looked like she was avoiding me as well.

The first ride that we all lined up for was a really scary looking roller coaster. It was two people per seat and I was behind Yoongi while she was in front of him. I don't think we'll be paired up now. Good.
Everyone had a partner with them, but it was a bit uneven since there's 11 of us.
"I'll sit this one out." Yoongi stated. Oh no. Now we're gonna be paired together. Before any of us could move it was our turn on the ride.

I'm really scared of rides like this, so I don't even know why I came on.

It was at it's peak and about to fall. I was really scared, so without even thinking I grabbed Na Rin's hand while I screamed like a little girl.

When the ride was over I didn't even realize I was still holding Na Rin's hand until we had to use them to get off the ride. "Um.. sorry," I told her and quickly got out. So awkward.
What have I done?

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