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Felix yawned as he propped his elbow onto the desk. He was getting lectured again by his boss, Kitty. It had been a while since he released a book and the fans were becoming impatient. He rolled his eyes and slumped back into his chair "Calm down..it's just a minor writers block..I'll think of something soon.." "Felix you said that 2 months ago!" "How am i supposed to think of idea's if you keep yelling at me! Writting is an art and it shouldn't be rushed!". Kitty exhaled a breath and looked at Felix "you should take a break maybe you're getting bored of writting.." "Me bored of writting..Never! I just need inspiration..a feeling..something new.." Kitty rolled her eyes and walked towards the door "Well you better find something soon, the media is starting to forget about you.." and with those words she walked out of the room. Leaving Felix to think, his mind was blank just like the notepad before him. He picked up a pen and began to tap it against the desk. He hummed a small tune and looked at his watch. Only 30 more minutes til break time. Felix sighed and looked up at the ceiling "what is wrong with you..ideas use to come easily..now it's just blank.." he looked at the clock  "Tic..toc..tic..toc..tic..toc..toc..tic..toc..tic." Felix continued the rhythm til he noticed it was his break time. He grabbed his things and walked out of the building. A gust of cold air hit his face, making him shiver. "Geez..old man winter's pretty pissed today.." he mumbled and wrapped a scarf around his neck. He looked around at the shops. None seemed to catch his attention. The same things always happened. Get yelled at. Get bored. Walk around. Then back to getting yelled at by Kitty.

Felix brushed his bangs out of his face and looked ahead. He spotted a small coffee shop on the corner. It seemed to be full of people. "Well the coffee must be great there..why else would it be so full.."

Felix walked into the small shop and looked around. People were chatting away. He spotted an empty table and took a seat.

A waitress soon came by and greeted him with a warm smile. "What can i get you today sir" she said cheerily as she pulled a small notepad from her apron. "I'll have a cup of coffee black..please.." she jotted down his order and walked away. Felix sat back and admired the warm atmosphere. Smooth jazz filled his ears as he looked around at all the different faces. As he continued to look around a table caught his attention.

A man sat alone, sipping his coffee. Looking out into the abyss. His bright blue eyes cold and dead. He seemed to be lost in thought. His mouth seemed to be moving. Was he talking to himself?

Felix's thoughts were cut off as the waitress placed down his cup. "Thank you" she smiled and walked away.

Felix sipped his coffee and looked at his blank notepad. The lines seemed to mock him in some way. He sighed and closed the blank book. He looked around and noticed fewer people were coming in. He set down his cup and looked back at the guy two tables down. His eyes never left the front shop window. He seemed enchanted by the falling snow. Felix tilted his head and took a sip from his cup. His phone began to ring, it was Kitty. Felix sighed and answered "What is it now.." "The chief of publishing is here and he isn't happy with your so called 'writters block' " He rolled his eyes "I'm on my break so call me in 20 minutes.." "Felix wai-" He exhaled a breath and placed down his phone. Felix looked up and found the table empty. The guy had disappeared. All he left behind was a sticky note.

Felix looked around, the guy was nowhere to be seen. Curiously he got up and walked towards the now empty table. He looked at the white note and read the small message.

'December 7th 2017
Once again i am alone..in a place full of people..i still feel like i'm the only one present..i am always thinking..of what could have been..'

Felix opened his notebook and placed the small note inside. He grabbed his things and headed back to the building. Kitty waited for him at the door, she was upset. "The publisher says you're on thin ice Felix!". Felix ignored Kitty, for his mind was too occupied on the note. What did it mean? Who was that guy? Questions filled his mind as he took a seat at his desk.

"Felix! Are you listening!?" he snapped out of his trance and looked up at her. "Yeah Me,thin ice,got it" Kitty rolled her eyes "just please try and write something.." He nodded as she walked out the door.

Felix opened his notebook and looked at the note. He grabbed his pen and wrote something at the bottom.

'The guy two tables Down'

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