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I was tagged buy fantrash_tic101 to do a 13 facts about me so here we go.

1. My real name is Glen, but my friends call me Red.

2.My first fandom was How To Train Your Dragon.

3. I'm all the things you would find in a stereotypical gay, but I'm not gay?

4. I have been diagnosed with anxiety,depression and dysphoria.

5. Admittedly Hamilton was my first musical

6. I'm trying to learn how to write for career purposes.

7. My username came from me really liking the color red and Stormfly from HTTYD

8. I don't curse, nothing wrong with it I just don't tend to do it.

9. I need to wear glasses but only to see things like the board at school better.

10. I tend to use bigger and more words then others. Why say "Sorry, I'm going to have to fire you." when you can say"I regret to inform you that I have to terminate your employment."
(Not that I've ever said either of those things that was a bad example)

11. I am never seen without a hoodie on.

12. I can't talk without stuttering

13. I like country music. I grew up on the stuff. I know it's odd.

Well those facts are pretty dull but I tried my best! Guess I have to tag people now.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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