Chapter 14 (An old love rekindle or an unfortunate mistake bound to happen?)

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'ANTHONY?!' I gasped

'I just couldn't let you go. I was so stupid choosing Natasha over you!' He explained, he ran his hands through his hair.

'But, why?!' I asked

'I realised there was so much more that you have that Natasha doesn't have. You never cheat on me. You loved me for who I am. You didn't control me.' He explained

'But everything is different now' I said

'But we can make things happen, even if we just try it and keep it to our selves at the moment. Just give me another chance' He said

I looked down. I mean, I can give him another chance. What if it would work out? What if it does work out? 'But....'

'No buts, let's just seal it with a kiss' He said then He pressed his lips against mine

I didn't move back because I did want to give him another chance. Plus it might work out.

We finished kissing and he smiled and looked at me.

'So that's a yes?' He asked

'Sealed it with a kiss' I smiled

He out his mask back on and removed the lipstick stains in his lips, he wiped of some stains on my lip and he held my hand.

'Do you want to go back?' He asked

'Yes please' I answered

He took his phone and we continue to the party

'Has anyone seen Anthony?!' Natasha started screaming

Anthony looked at me 'Do I look like Anthony?' He asked

'Don't worry' I answered

Natasha came pass us and stopped in front of us 'Ughhh! Have you seen Anthony?!'

'No' I replied

She starts to freak out and she runs out of the party, everyone starts to burst out of laughter.

'By the way, what happened earlier?' Anthony asked

'They spiked my punch then when I was drunk they took advantage of me' I explained

He held my hand tighter 'I'll be your hero' he said

'Savanna! Savanna!' David cried out running towards me

'I heard what happened are you okay?' He asked then hugged me tight

'Uhm, David?' I said

Anthony let go of my hand and crossed his arms then looked at us

'What happened?! I would get killed if something bad happened to you, is your hair alright. Do you need a powder, where's your lipstick? Come lets fix you' He said freaking out

'David, David, David' I tried to calm him down 'I'm alright, by the way have you met my boyfriend?' I asked

'Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Cool!' He said 'Where is he?' He asked

'There' I pointed to Anthony

'Oh hello there' David said inviting Anthony to a hand shake.

I don't think Anthony was happy 'bout the hug and stuff but he received David's hand shake

'Sorry 'bout hugging your girl friend' He apologised

Anthony held my hand tight 'Dont do it again'

David and I started to burst out in laughter

'What's so funny?' Anthony asked

'I'm gay' He confessed

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