Depressing life experience anyone?

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The media is me in a nutshell. 

so, i thought that maybe you'd like to read about the idiotic SHIT that comes with the hell they call middle school. One day, I was casually sitting at my desk, working on a writing project with 2 other classmates. And I, being the nosy lil' bunny I am, decided to listen in on the boys lil' conversation, since we were already done. I was torn between confronting them and laughing uncontrollably. For the sake of anonymity, we'll call them G, C, and Aa.

All three were hunched over G's desk, in a heated argument. "How do you spell 'of'?" inquired G innocently. C then exclaimed, "How can you not know? It's obviously 'u-v.'" Aa then stated, ''I'm pretty sure its' got an 'f' in it." G, being the numb-skull he is, said "That makes no sense. it doesn't' sound like it would..." At this point, I was giggling uncontrollably, and my friends, Sh and S, were really confused. I discreetly pointed at the boys, and gestured for them to listen. After a while, G, C, and Aa called the teacher over. I stared at them as they asked the teacher for help...I then stood and asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom. She nodded, and once inside, I began laughing and thinking what was wrong with them. They were 2 years older than me, and asking this question, to the teacher no less. 

That was when the bullying started.

 Nothing physical, just verbal harassment. One of them would make threats daily, and the others would insult my appearance. I acted like I didn't care, but it really hurt me. I became obsessed with my appearance, and would starve myself. I then realized how wrong I was. So instead, I put up walls, and stayed away from boys.  Which really sucked, because the girls would sit and gossip all day, not doing anything. 

Then I met M and O, who became my best friends. However, after a while, M began to hang out with G and company. We would talk occasionally, when the boys weren't around. This made me and O quite sad, as we enjoyed her company. There was an upside though. O and I grew closer, and he became my only true friend. We were comfortable enough to share secrets with each other. I even cried in front of him. O comforted me when I needed it most, and I'm really grateful for that. We're still friends, and I visit him every now and then. Whenever I visit, M locks herself in her room. Apparently she does that every day. Hehe she's the most introverted person i know. We chat over Skype, and talk about anything and everything. O would stand up for me, and eventually i learned the art of the roast. Every boy in my class (except O of course) has been toasted and roasted, to the point of them actually respecting me! 

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you happen to be insecure, find someone you can trust, and use my experience as inspiration to stand up for yourself. i may still have self-esteem issues, but I'm not trying to change myself anymore. in the words of Izaya Orihara...


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