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I rewrite this list periodically.

(Updated with notes on 1/24/27)
(Reupdated 2/4/19)


-Stop trying to save everybody.  (Still trying.)
-Make it through Junior year.  (Halfway there.) (did it.)
-Make it to Senior year.
-Make it to graduation. (more than halfway there)
-Get a diploma at graduation.
-Pick a career pathway. (Got it.)
-Do well in my classes in Junior year. (So far, so good.)
-Stay clean. (Failed.)
-Stop rubbing my head violently when nervous or stressed. (Semi successful.)
-Stay connected with the Math Class Squad. (Kind of.)
-Stay connected with my best friend (Liv). (Absolutely.) (FAIL)
- Pick my topic for my Senior Project. (Not yet.)
-Keep doing photography. (Of course.)
-Keep in touch with Iannone. (For the most part.)
-Get out of my comfort zone.
-Get WAAAAAYYY out of my comfort zone
-Be on Stage Crew for the play and the musical this year. (Hell fucking yes. Suck it, Carter.)
-Get more aesthetic things. (Done. Not in the same aesthetic though....)
-Be more of an advocate for the other LGBT+ individuals in my school, whether they're out or not. (Started the GSA. Out and proud.)
-Make new friends. (Doing amazing.)
-Actually talk to people this year. (Doing good.)
-Complete ASL 4. (In the class now.)
-Actually do a project in charcoal for art class this year. (Might not need to.)

I promise to post more.


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