Always be here with you no matter when. Slowly close your eyes and what we've shared. Many memories,many promises and the faces that are full of regrets.
Those are very precious times each one is so special to me.
Even though i'm tired and exhausted each time, i have strength as i think of the way you see me smile.
No matter where i am,i'm always yours i will always be by your side back hug like a bear wrapping you in a hug from the back i will look out for you no matter when. ALWAYS
"MAXI BALIKIN PERMEN GUEEE?!?!" teriak gue ke maxi sambil ngejar dia. "GAMAU PERMENNYA BUAT GUE!!" jawab maxi ke gue. "hosh hosh hosh
.. aduh cah pek bangh et bih sa pingh san gueh kalo ngeh jar lagih si maxi" kata gue pelan sambil ngos ngosan.akhirnya gue mutusin buat balik ke kelas karna ga berhasil ngerebut permenya.
oh ya, btw kenalin nama gue Neisha Kyla azzahra kalian bisa manggil gue neica or another lah trsrh, gue anak HB SMA Harapan Bangsa gue skrng kls 11 IPA 2, and gue punya 4 sahabat yang bikin stress but salah satu dari mereka ada yang nyantol di hati gue yang sepesial.
1. maxi million bisa dipanggil maxi,yap dia sahabat gue yang paling cool tapi gjls dia itu cowo yang paling ganteng diantara sahabat cowo gue yang lain tapi dia jomblo gengsss.hahaha2. rio cello ramadhan bisa di panggil cello but gue manggil dia elo biar simple, yap dia yang paling alim diantara yang lain. and dia itu yang paling pinter dri yang lain, hmm emng dia doang yang paling bener. udh punya pacar kok jadi ga alim alim bngt lahhh.
3. alik ahmar hisyam bisa di panggil alik, dia itu yang paling brandal dan paling berani dan agak kasar sm orng yang bakal nyakitin sahabat sahabatnya. uhhh unchh sahabat able bngt niii... hehe.
4. muhammad deola givari dan dia lah yang nyantol di hati yang sepesial di my heart hehe, bisa di panggil deo dia itu sahabat gue dari orok sampe sekarang and i hope he can PEKA!.
Haha gmna nii gjls kan emng maap yaaa😆😆
Teen Fictionalways be here with you no matter when. slowly close your eyes and feel what we've shared. many memories,many promises and the faces that are full of regrets. Indonesia:)-