Part Thirty Three: Hiding and escaping

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We quickly reach the bridge with the big gap. "May I," Theodore asks with a grin. I take his reaching hand with a smile and he casts a spell to let us float over the gap. We land and the others soon follow.

When we run further Theodore smirks at me. "Why is the Dark Lord so fond of you Lestrange?" "I think it's because of the prophecy, but those are just my thoughts," I reply, running quite hard to keep up with them. Luckily I had a pretty good stamina, otherwise I would've lost them already!

Inside we see a big mass of people. Everyone fights and some objects fly through the air, to catch up spells or to smash people. "Come on, that's a safe way," Astoria Greengrass says, pointing on a corridor which still seemed pretty okay. Zabini grabs my hand and we quickly run into the corridor.

Next to us lies the body of a dead student, next to a dead Acromantula. The student was attacked by the beast, but someone killed the spider after that. You couldn't even see who the student was because his face was completely eaten up. I have to hold my vomit in and Daphne has to calm her sister down.

"Calm down Ast.. everything will be fine." "It is horrible Daph." "I know.. I know." Theodore taps on my shoulder and I turn around to face him. "Yes?" "We have to keep moving. It seems like people are eager to kill you." "Why.. why me?" "They see you as a traitor. In case you never noticed, it genuinely doesn't end well for traitors," Zabini remarks, joining in our conversation.

I swallow and both the boys grab my wrist, running further. I can't see why.. until I looked forward. A spell hit the wall where we were running to. Someone tried to curse us while we were talking. Cowards.

Theodore casts a spell behind us while Zabini throws an arm around me and pushes me and him behind a pillar. Bullstrode jinxes one of the Order's members. Daphne tries to hide Astoria. When both of our attackers were knocked out Zabini grabs my arm and we run further. Now we reach the devastated parts of the castle.

Lifeless bodies we don't know lie everywhere. I have to hold back my tears. Theodore softly rubs my back and I look at him thankfully. "Thank you Theodore." "No problem." He smiles kindly at me and then leaves. I lean with my back on the wall between two broken windows. Voldemort had said to stay safe until the end of the battle, but when was that? How long did we have to stay hiding and escaping?

After again an escape we bump into Draco and Goyle. They have small wounds and are coverd in filth and ashes. "Draco, Goyle... where is Crabbe," Astoria asks, clinging on her older sister. Tears well up in both the boys their eyes and we know enough: Crabbe is dead.

"How did it happen," I ask him in a hoarse voice. I didn't know Crabbe too good, but nobody so young deserved to die. "Fiendfyre.. he didn't had it under control. He fell in it while climbing on a pile. We could nearly escape, with the help of Potter and Weasel. The Horcrux is gone.. unfortunately."

I look from the two boys to the others. I can't believe it. Harry and Ron.. saving them? "Why did they save you two? They hate you," Bullstrode asks harshly. But yeah, what can you expect of Bullstrode?

"I don't know. Maybe they would feel guilty," Draco says. Then he turns to me and hugs me tightly. "You have survived until now, what a miracle." "What can you expect with such good bodyguards," Theodore asks with a grin. I smile at Theodore but when I turn back I see Draco looking like he could kill Theodore. What's wrong with him?

Many hours and escapes later we have to retreat. "What's going to happen?" "I don't know Zabini, bu-" A small message of sparks appears in the air before us. "NOT YOU".  "I think this means that we don't need to follow," Daphne says with crossed arms, leaning against the wall.

So we sit down in the nearly completely ruined corridor. Why do we have to stay here while they retreat? His orders were confusing and left me wondering what his plans are.

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