5: Mondays

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A small, excited shriek escaped your lips when you noticed a store with a sign in the front window that read 'Now Hiring'. The store was a clothing store that you'd never even heard of, but you were glad that you'd finally found a place that was looking for new employees.

You smoothed your white, button-down shirt, took a deep breath and then walked inside. It wasn't anything special, just your average unisex clothing store, dim lights mixed with bright ones, many racks of a large variety of clothing, sales, and very pricy items.

You licked your lipstick-covered lips before walking up to the counter to talk to one of the employees. "Excuse me, I saw the sign outside and was wondering if I could talk to your manager about a possible job here," you said politely to the woman in front of you.

She nodded sweetly, a small smile appearing on her lips. "Yes, of course. Please wait here while I get him." You smiled back and watched her as she walked to a door that read 'Employees Only', her curls bouncing around as she moved.

You waited until the door opened, the same girl stepping out along with a very tall man. A smile appeared on his face when he spotted you. "Greetings, I am Lee Sung-min, the store manager, nice to meet you," he said kindly, holding out his hand for you to shake.

You lightly shook his hand while giving him a smile. When you let go you gave him a slight bow. "Nice to meet you as well, I am (Y/n)."

Sung-min smiled sweetly while nodding. "Yes, yes. Now if you'd please follow me," he said with a slight gesture, telling you to follow as he walked to the door that read 'Employees Only'.

The two of you stepped through another door which opened up into a small office. Sung-min sat in the chair behind the desk and motioned for you to sit across from him in the spinning chair at the front of the desk.

"I'll I'm going to ask for is that you give me your résumé and answer a few simple questions," he told you.

You nodded and brought your purse onto your lap, you pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to him.

Sung-min picked his glasses up from the desk and put them on low on the bridge of his nose as he read through your résumé. He'd nod or make a slight sound every so often.

"So you're originally from Thailand?" He asked without looking up from the paper.

"Yes, that is correct," you replied.

"Why did you move here?" He'd finished reading the paper and took off his glasses. He rested his chin on his hand and gave an intrigued expression.

"My father had started a business in Bangkok, it was started to go really well, but then he didn't have enough employees because of how big his business had gotten. So he believed that if he moved to Korea, he'd be able to get his products into the market faster and get more employees," you explained, letting out a silent sigh after you'd finished.

Sung-min nodded again. "And what kind of business does your father run?"

You shrugged. "I don't exactly know, I never really asked him and he doesn't bother to explain."

"Well I'll move on to some other questions. Do you need to take any kind of medication?"

"No, other than my pills for my lactose intolerance."

"Do you have any mental issues?"

You shook your head. "No."

"Are you good with people?"

"Mostly, I can get pissed off quite easily, but I can manage to keep my anger in."

He nodded. "Are you single?"

"Yes..." You answered slowly, dragging out your words. "Why do you need to ask a question like that?"

He shrugged. "Because I can. Are you a virgin?" He asked with a light chuckle.

"Oh, shut up. That's personal information that you don't need to know," you scowled and crossed your arms.

He laughed loudly and held out his hand to you. "You're hired."

Your features perked up and you uncrossed your arms, you shook his hand again. "Thank you so much for this opportunity. I promise I won't let you down."

He nodded and smiled sweetly. "I hope you'll keep that promise. You start next Monday at 9:00 am."

You nodded and bowed deeply. "Thank you very much. I will be there," you said happily, a smile spreading across your face.

"See you later," Sung-min said while waving.

"See you," you waved back and exited his office. You walked down the hallway and back out into the store, the bright lights almost blinded you as you stepped out.

Well, looks like I've gotten myself a job! You told yourself, a large smile on your face as you pranced out of the store.

I know this chapter has been really short, I'm sorry guys, but I promise the next one will be longer. Also, if there's anything you want to request, anything at all, please do so in a comment ^-^.


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