You Are My Sunshine(PYROCYNICAL)

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Prompt/Idea; You sing Niall to sleep every night,

and one particular song makes him cry.


You sighed and planted a kiss on Niall's forehead, planning to wake him up since you two were still on the couch from movie night. He was cuddled up to you, his head in-between your shoulder and neck. It was a little uncomfortable, considering he drooled in his sleep and your neck was soaking wet.

"Niall," you mumbled, shaking his shoulder a bit, "Let's go to bed.."

He groaned in protest and fell asleep again, hugging you tighter. You sighed angrily and shook his shoulder harder.


He jolted awake and lifted his head from your shoulder, drool trailing from his lip to where his head was resting.

You giggled at his mess of hair, he looked even more like a paintbrush now-


He mumbled, looking around confused.

You sat up and grabbed his hand, making him sit up with you.

"Come on, let's go to bed."

He nodded and wiped off the drool from his lip.

"Sorry.." He said, his voice low and tired. You smiled, reassured him it was okay and walked with him to your shared bedroom.

You laid him down first, and then walked to the other side of the bed, laying down with him. He immediately grabbed you and cuddled into your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist. He looked up at you, "Can you sing me something..??" he whispered, in his deep baritone british voice. He was kind of like a child, asking his mother for a bed-time story. But, that'd be weird. You're his girlfriend, not his mom. That'd just be weird.

You smiled and nodded, immediately having an idea of what to sing.

You raked your hands through his mess of hair, messaging it. That always seems to calm him down. He groaned and hugged you tighter, urging you to begin. You closed your eyes. Everything was silent and still. And then you began to sing, your voice soft and soothing.

"The other night, dear,
As I lay sleeping,

I dreamed I held you,
In my arms.

When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken..

So I hung my head,
And I cried.."

You felt him twitch and smush his face further into your chest. You smiled and continued.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine..

You make me happy,
When skies are gray..

You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you..

Please don't take,
My sunshine away.."

Your eyes widened in surprise as you heard a faint whimper come from the big Pyrocynical, something rather surprising coming from him. "Niall..?? Do you want me to stop or-"

He quickly shook his head, "No! No.. K..Keep going," he muttered, his shaky voice muffled by the cloth of your shirt. "Oh, uh, alright," you said worriedly, clearing your throat. You continued to run your hand through Niall's hair, hoping it would calm him down a bit.

"I'll always love you,
And make you happy..

And nothing else,
Could come between..

But if you leave me,
To love another..

You'd have shattered,
All of my dreams.."

You could tell when Niall was sad, but you had never seen him actually cry. This was all new for you, and honestly it was heart-braking. After a while of repeating some of the verses to stretch the song out, his breath began to hitched multiple times, and your shirt was wet from his tears. He still let out a loud sob now and again. His sobs sounded weird- to say the least. Considering his deep voice. You almost began tearing up as well.

"You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine..

You make me happy,
When skies are gray..

You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you..

Please don't take,
My sunshine away.."

You stayed still for a moment, trying to hear something else come out of him. You were happy to hear soft snores erupt from his lips, and that he had stopped crying. You wiped away Niall's tears, and wrapped your arms around his neck, and your legs around his abdomen. He was way taller than you, sometimes his friends would tease you and laugh at the incredible height difference. This has some advantages though. Number one being that he was an awesome cuddle partner.

You sighed, falling asleep to his soft snores.

What would I do without him?

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