Sydney Ann Carter is a normal girl, who loves singing and writing.
She has a big imagination and hart.
She hates maths and other school work including gym.
But this all changes when 'it' happened.
*beware of the spelling and grammar mistak...
This morning was like every morning, everything was fine, there was no way to tell what would of started to happen later that afternoon would of started to happen.
I should have listened to my gut...
I shouldn't have make that wish... It's my one regret.
Beep Beep Beep
I sat up groaning and quickly pressed the snooze button. I HATE the sound of alarms! I quickly snuggled down in my covers as the cold air bit at my exposed skin and crept through the covers. I closed my eyes and tried to drift back into the land of dreams... I love dreaming. I also love writing, you can make anything possible. You can make the characters pretty, you can kill them, you can help them find love, you can even give them supernatural powers. The point is there's no limit, the only limit being your imagination. You can do anything and everything, the most amazing thing and feeling is when someone, actually likes your writing. It just makes my hart want to explode with joy. Writing is just so... free. I wish I could develop super powers. I wish the writer of my story was more creative, and full of adventure.
"Hey Girl Wake up! Sydney! Open your eyes!" Luke my older brother screamed at me in a fake girlish whinny voice well jumping on my bed looking like a lunatic. I groaned at him, before I let of a little laugh at his behaviour. My stupid, weird, older brother. "Get the hell out of my room, or... or I will saw your arm of and shove it down your throat, so you will shut up" I said in my lazy voice. "Get up or you can walk to school" "Ok, ok fine! I'll get up! Just leave!" I said, not wanting him to see me in my under garments. I had fallen asleep in them because before I could change I fell asleep, don't blame me, I was really really tired. "Ok, be down in 10!" He shouted as he left my room, shutting the door behind him. "No promises!" I called after him. I stepped off my bed, with a funny feeling in my gut that I couldn't decipher. Weird. I grabbed a light pink jersey that ended just above my belly button ring, a pair of high waist black shorts and plain black underwear with matching bra. It gets really hot in the day, but at night it's freezing. I made my way into my bathroom, locking the door behind me. The worm water ran down my back, but it didn't help settle the feeling in my stomach... what did it mean? It was probably just hunger. But hunger is different, this gives me an uneasy feeling... That's it it's a bad feeling. But what would be wrong? I'm just over thinking this, blowing this it way out of proportion, just a bloody feeling in my stomach, don't get your panties in a twist Sydney.
20 minutes later, I was changed and had my black and half spotted bag with black converses. My makeup and hair was done. My make up was usually but to day I had my hair in a plait.
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