Chapter One

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"Sorry if I sneeze, princess."

"Do not call me "princess", Starboy." I said as I shot him a glare.

"Stop calling me that!" Peter playfully said as he tousled my shoulder length locks. "How did your hair get so stubby? I loved it long!"

"Thought you knew. I'll explain to you and the rest of the space bandits tomorrow." I said as I felt the pain begin to subside. I relaxed as Peter ceased messing up my hair.

"Why did you beat up Keith?"

I sensed Peter freeze up, meaning that I was expecting an answer that I wasn't going to like. "I will ask you aga-"

"I HAVE SEEN WHAT OTHER CHLEORIANS HAVE DONE TO YOU AND I DON'T WANT ONE ON MY SHIP!" Peter snapped. "Kick him off. I don't need another asshole to take care of."

I inhaled sharply and sat up. I put my hands in front of my mouth as I picked up another sound other than Peter's breathing. A singular tear rolled down my cheek, but I didn't notice. I was too shocked at what Peter had just said and who else was listening.

Keith was outside of the hatch.

I heard Keith pull away and start to sniffle. I narrowed my useless eyes and aimed my dark glare directly at where Peter was.

"If you piss me off again, I will hurt you." I said with my teeth gritted at Peter. "Do not test me."

"Sometimes, I feel like you are not blind, but using that as an incredibly stupid excuse for needing me to help you." Peter said as I began to turn around to exit the room.

"Why the hell would I need an excuse? Also, you don't care for Keith! All you've done for Keith is shove him against a wall, break his fucking ribs, and kick him in the balls. If it wasn't for me, he'd be hospitalized!" I shot back as I discreetly cracked my knuckles.

"He isn't like you, Dess. You-"

"Are pretty? I've heard that a lot!" I snarled.

"You are pretty. But you aren't safe with him around." Peter said as he stood up. I took the opportunity and sent a clenched fist into his chest lightly. He then chuckled, right before my foot impacted the area in between his thighs, causing him to keel forward in pain, then I shoved him onto the bed.

At this point, tears were streaming down my face. I continued making my way to the hatch before hesitating, hand hovering above the console.

"I want the old Peter Jason Quill back. The one who is goofy and kind." I whispered as I tapped the console and opened the hatch.

"You can't protect him from me forever, Dess."

I raised my finger at him and left.

Keith was standing outside in the corridor, breathing fast with fear. I walked briskly over to him and hugged him tightly, making sure Peter saw. When I heard him growl, I turned my head and stuck my tongue out.

"Come on, let's get to bed." I said as I took his hand and felt him grip mine. We walked together in silence, fully aware that Peter was right.

He was right about me not being able to protect Keith from him.

We didn't say a word the rest of the night.

I woke up the next morning, instantly panicking when I didn't hear Keith's heartbeat. Then, listening closer, I heard his heart beating softly and smoothly, a smile forming on my lips. I got dressed in some loose sweatpants and a tee shirt.

On the way out, I leaned over and gently planted a small kiss on his cheek. Then I made my way to the kitchen. On the way there, I thought I heard someone else up, which was odd, but I ignored it.

Then, a hand roughly grabbed my shoulder and wrenched me into a walkway. I reared my arm back and swung a fist at the person. A strong hand caught it and twisted it slightly, causing me to whimper slightly in pain.

"If you get in between me and Keith again, you'll regret it. Do you understand?" Peter's voice said. His voice was cold, threatening and unfriendly, making my smile drop instantly.

I didn't answer, my expression hardening into a straight face. I was trying to calm the side of me that was a killer, as to not harm Peter. If I didn't, he would be dead within the next two minutes.

"I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" Peter asked again, twisting my still clenched fist further, to the point where I could hear my bones shifting. I groaned in pain, but the twisting didn't stop.

"Why are you doing this?" I managed to ask between gasps of pain. The twisting stopped for a moment.

"You can heal."

The twisting continued. I felt my legs shaking as the pain found its way to my spine, then rolled down.

"JESUS! QUILL? THE HELL YOU DOING TO HER?" Rocket said, clearly surprised to find Quill slowly twisting my arm. My knees suddenly gave, but I was suspended by Peter's iron grip on my arm with one hand, while continuing to twist my arm with the other.

"Stay outta this, fuzzball." Peter muttered as I felt tears forming. I felt as though those tears were not those of sadness, but of anger, rage.

"Listen to him, jackass." I snapped as I summoned up energy. "Don't make me harm you."

"Oh no! The blind blond is going to hurt me?" Peter asked in a childish voice. I smirked as I felt my dark side begin to show.

"Yeah. I'm going to hurt you." I said as my energy gently closed around his neck. "Rocket, go get Gamora. Please."

He growled as my energy began to slowly tighten, his oxygen intake compromised.

Then, he did the stupidest thing he has ever done. He ceased his arm twisting and sent a knee in between my thighs, full force. I instantly froze up as I let out a scream. The pain felt like someone was slicing me in half, starting with the nether regions. By this time the only reason I was upright was because Peter was still gripping me by the fist.

"PETER JASON QUILL!" Gamora's voice rang out, followed by footsteps. Peter released me, backing up and rushing off to his room.

I fell down before Gamora could catch me. She walked me to her room, where she took care of me for the next half hour.


When I exited her room, I heard Drax and Peter fighting it out.





"If you two are going to argue, do it outside." Gamora intervened as she led me to the kitchen for some Than-O's. Keith was already there, eating his bowl of cereal.

"Are you alright?" He asked when I sat down. I felt better because of the care of Gamora.

"Yeah. A little beat up, but I'm ok!" I said.

"So Dess, you never told us what happened to your hair. I'd like to know out of curiosity." Gamora said gently as she sat down.

"Ok. One month after I got blind,"



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