Y'all keep tagging me

69 6 15

Tagged by @Rosey_Rainbow and yes i'm doing it centuries after I was tagged, are you surprised

1-Favourite song
I've answered this before; Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold is an all-time favourite. I'll also mention Leo Moriacchioli's cover of Sail since it's his best cover ever and I will never get tired of it also the video of it is good and just -- listen to it ok you'll thank me later

2-Favourite sport
Equestrianism. Commonly known as horse riding, but I'm a fan of big words.

3- Favourite band
Avenged, if you haven't figured that out by now. Also Metallica. And Finland (Finland is literally just one big metal band so it counts)

4-Favourite show
Game of Thrones (season 7 does not disappoint thus far), and Prison Break (I will not watch season 5 whatever you say. I will not ruin my experience with this amazing show. It ended at season 4, season 5 is non-existant.)

5-Favourite movie
I believe I've answered this before, too, but it's still the Insidious movies and the Saw movies.

6-Favourite color
Always a thrilling question. And black is always such a thrilling answer.

7-Favourite food
Pizza. Italian food in general but I mean PIZZA. Also middle-eastern food is yumyum.

8-Favourite drink
Pepsi. Mountain Dew. Blood. Not necessarily in that order.

9-Favourite video game
Assassin's Creed. More specifically, AC2. Also, The Walking Dead (I need season 4. now.)

10-tag 15 people
Why is it always so many people, I can't be bothered to find that many. I tag everyone. I'll mention a few just to follow the rules (and to give attention to those whose comments on Hero has made me crack the biggest smiles).

@ninjaniko (half of your comments were just "oOF" and I appreciate that)

wattpad hates me so i'll tag you again in the comments 👍🏾

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