Chapter 4

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A/N - No Billie Joe in this chapter , I'm afraid . There will however , be another special appearance ...

The plane ride was long and dreary . I flicked through the magazine , savouring it . The interview with Green Day was short but sweet , and I read through it about five times . Most of the questions had been asked about a million times already , which was a little annoying . I didn't mind too much though .

I would have texted Sapphire throughout the flight , but the attendant insisted on us having our phones off . Usually it's just for taking off and landing , but she was all “No , keep them off or it will interfere with the blah blah blah ...”

I usually do listen , I swear . It was just she had this really whiny voice that made me want to throw her out of the plane's window .

So I sat , turning glossy pages and listening to my iPod . When the pilot announced that we'd be landin gin fifteen minutes , I felt my palms beginning to sweat . My forehead getting cold , and my foot tapping uneven rhythms onto the floor .

Being naturally observant , Ross noticed this .

“Nervous ?” He asked .

“No” I denied , then hesitated . “Are they … collecting me , or -”

“I'll be dropping you home” Ross said , “There's a car parked in the long-term car park . It's only a twenty minute drive to your house .”

“My house” I repeated , still trying to get used to the idea .

Ross chuckled . “Look outside” He advised , and I did .

It was pretty beautiful . We were trying to find space to land , and in doing so had curved a circle over the ocean near the airport .

“It's gorgeous” I said . The plane was close enough to the water for us to see each wave , every ripple in the green-blue water . I imagined all the life that lived under those waves , the fish and the coral and seaweed of every colour …

“San Francisco Bay” Ross informed me , and whistled . “Pretty sweet , right ?”

I nodded . The view was breath taking . I watched it through the window as we flew gently away from it , and back over land . The airport was almost right beside the beach , and now we were getting gradually lower and slower .

We jolted onto the ground , ears popping . The plane travelled for down the runway for about a minute until it came to a complete halt , and then we were told (by the irritating attendant) to stay seated . No one listened , we all stood up and began passing around carry-on bags to their rightful owners .

The passengers of the plane got off slowly , stiff from the hours of sitting down . Ross however , was eager to get us to the car , so we picked up our luggage at top speed .

Suddenly , Ross stopped and put his hand out in front of my chest .

“Don't move” He hissed , looking over my shoulder anxiously .

“What is it ?” I tried to ask , but he cut me off with rapid hand motions .

“Maybe he hasn't seen us” Ross muttered , mostly to himself . “Please , say he hasn't seen us ...”

“Who ?!” I insisted . Ross glanced at me , then behind me again . His face fell and his muscles relaxed in defeat .

“Is this her ?” A familiar voice asked .

I spun around , and almost swallowed my tongue . And my teeth . Most of my face , actually .

Tre Cool . The legendary Tre Cool , standing within an arm's reach . Holy shit … And I'm not much of a swearer .

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